Please note: this will require both the IPS and WealthSolver modules to complete. Please also consider the following capabilities when the WealthSolver module is applied:

WealthSolver - Manage Model Portfolios (Group Administrator) - Allows user to manage Model Portfolios in their group.
WealthSolver - Manage Model Portfolios (Site Administrator) - Allows user to manage all Model Portfolios.
WealthSolver - Manage Model Portfolios (own account) - Allows user to manage their own Model Portfolios

Ensure IPS Target Sets (Model Portfolios) have been created

Please see article How to create a Target Set (Model Portfolio) on how to create a Target Set if there are none currently.

Adding WealthSolver Model Portfolios

1. From the left menu, click on Mceclip1 --> WealthSolver --> Tools --> Model Portfolios

2. Once the page loads, on the top right click on the Add button --> Import from Portfolio Modelling Target Set. This is being added under the Manage Site Model Portfolios section which will be visible to everyone on your site.

Manage Group Model Portfolios: Demo Group Live Preso is the Advisers grouping.

Manage User Model Portfolios seen further down the page will be specific to the user who created it.



3. Select the Target Set to be Imported


4. You will then need to scroll down the list to the Matching Plans heading and enter a Model Portfolio Name

5. Select the relevant product Name that this model will relate to. WealthSolver will find the closest product Matches based on the Investment Options within the Target Set.

6. Click OK


The WealthSolver Model Portfolio is now added.


Using Model Portfolios in WealthSolver

In your proposal in WealthSolver, via the Add Investments page, you can then choose to use the 'WealthSolver - Model Portfolio' and select which Model Portfolio you wish to apply to the plan.


Please note: you will only see the 'WealthSolver - Model Portfolio' option, if you are modelling in a plan that has the Model Portfolio linked to it, as per step 5 above. For example, if you only have Model Portfolios created for Colonial First State FirstChoice Wholesale Pension and your client's proposal is for BT, you will not see the model portfolio option.