In XPLAN, Model Portfolios are referred to as Target Sets.

Target Sets are model portfolios that contain a range of securities and the recommended weighting for each security.

Target Sets need to be created before they can be applied to a client's portfolio when modelling in IPS.

**Please Note: You will require the IPS module on your login to complete these steps. It is also highly suggested to have the APIR codes, including the exchange, of the securities that are going to be added as this will save a lot of time in creating the Model Portfolios**

1. From the left hand menu, click on Mceclip1--> Maintenance --> Models


It is recommended to create Folder Categories for your Models to make selecting them easier when performing your modelling and research. Otherwise please go to step 5 if you don't want to add in any additional Categories. Please note that the Uncategorised folder is "Shared with all" and will be visible to anyone within your Xplan Site.

2. You will need to click on Mceclip6 first, then click on Mceclip8 to create a new Category.


3. The below window will then open up, complete as needed, ensure the Permission is set appropriately, then Click OK


4. If you are on a shared site with multiple groups, use the Shared with specific groups setting. Search then click on your group/s so it appears in the Entity Selected area, then click OK.



5. Now that your new Category has been added, click on the Mceclip8 to add in your Model Portfolio.


6. Complete the left hand Target Sets Details column as appropriate. 


  • Target Set Name - enter a name for the Target Set.
  • Category - the category folder you selected will appear in this field. You can change where you want to save the target set by clicking on the dropdown box and selecting the category. In this example we will enter our target set under the "Share Models" category. It is recommended to save the target sets you create in the appropriate category, that relates to the target set you are creating for your practice.
  • Benchmark - select a benchmark for the target set to use if required.
  • Description - enter a description that best describes the target set.
  • Comment - you have the option to add a comment regarding the Target Set if required
  • Target Set Owner - edit the owner of the Target Set if required.
  • Only Editable by Owner - if you do not want anyone to be able to edit the target set, you need to ensure you select "Yes" in this field.
  • Risk Profile - click on the drop down box to select a “Risk Profile” for the target set.  The asset allocation for the risk profile we select will appear in the “Compare” area when you add the holdings to the target set.
  • Investment Type - to link the target set to an investment type, click on the “Investment Type” drop down box to select an investment type that is relevant to the new target set.
  • Platform - select a platform from the drop down list which will link the target set to a product “Disclosure Fee”.  
  • Provider - select the provider if available.
  • Min Invest. Amount & Max Invest. Amount - the minimum and maximum Investment amount fields allow you to set the minimum and maximum investment amount to be able to use this target set.
  • Floating Target Set - tick the Floating Target Set checkbox if you want use a client's portfolio account as a floating target. If this option is selected, select the Client and Account, and set the Type, Auto Update and Exclude Cash options.

7. To add holdings, click on the Mceclip8 to add the additional rows needed for the number of investments. 

Enter the Security code for the investment, Exchange and in the Adjustment column is the recommended weighting for each security.

As new securities are added, you will see the Target Set percentage change in the Compare table. The Target Set percentage column can be used to compare against the asset allocation weighting for the risk profile selected earlier.


If you are unsure of the Security APIR to be added, you can click on the Mceclip20 and search for the right one.

8. You can also further restrict the Model Portfolio itself to a specific group, otherwise it will be visible to what was set previously in steps 3-4.

Mceclip21 (1)

9. Click Save once you've added the securities and the weighting adds up to 100%.


Repeat steps 5-9 for each Target set to be added under this Category.