
This guide will run through how to send SMS emails, in conjunction with third party SMS gateways, to one or more clients simultaneously via their mobile phones. The SMS Email contact type allows for a client’s SMS address to be easily identified.

Setting Up Third Party SMS Gateway

To use SMS Functionality you need to setup an account with a Third Party SMS Gateway.

Our preferred option is SMS Global www.smsglobal.com.

Benefits of SMS Global

  • No set up fee
  • Pre paid account
  • 0-5,000 pre-paid messages costs $0.10 (incl. GST) per message (Limited to first 160 characters)
  • No additional fee for reply messages

Below we have provided instructions for creating and configuring an account with SMS Global. If you do not wish to use SMS Global please provide Xplan Support with the following information for setting up your gateway:

  • The name of the Provider
  • Domain name
  • Does the Provider use leading zeros, we need to know yes or no

Create a SMS Global Account

When you first view the SMS Global website, click on the Get Started button. In the form that pops up please complete the required information. After you enter a mobile number, SMS Global will send you text a message to confirm the mobile number is correct. You will need to enter the code into the SMS Verification Code field.

Add Credit to your Account

To start sending SMS's you will need to click on Store on the left hand menu and add some credit. If you are evaluating this process for inclusion in your office procedures, a couple of dollars will be enough to start. Reminder: Each SMS will cost $0.10.


Set up Preferences for SMS Global Account

Setting up Preferences

To enable Xplan to send SMS’s through SMS Global you will need to setup the ‘Preferences’ on the SMS Global website correctly.

On the left hand side menu select Tools.

Scroll down and tick the box to Enable Email to SMS/MSM.

Add your email domain to the Allowed sender address / domains. (i.e. This is the part of your email address after the '@'.)


You have the option to allow replies to SMS messages sent via Xplan.

To active replies, tick the box to Allow replies to email to SMS messages.

Choose your reply selection.

  • Your Account email address – the email address linked to your SMS Global account
  • The email address that sent the email – this would be your email address in Xplan
  • A custom email address – entered in an email address for ALL replies to go to.

Please ensure you scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Settings to save your changes.

Notify Xplan Support

Once you have set up your SMS Global account, we need to assign SMS Global as your gateway in your Xplan User profile. Please email Xplan Support once your account is setup.

Enter Clients SMS Emails inXplan

This is done in their Client Record > Key Details > Contact Details

New Contact

When you enter a client’s mobile number, the Xplan will automatically create a “SMS Email” contact with the same mobile number.

Existing clients

If the Client already has a “SMS Email” contact, click on the  to edit the number.

Sending SMS Confirmations

Please find below step by step instructions to send SMS emails within XPLAN.

From the Xplan Diary

Go to the Diary and find the event you wish to send the SMS for. Left click on the event and choose Send Diary Email to client. Select the template we have created for you to use:

  • SMS – Confirming Diary Appointment

An example of the SMS content is shown below.

You will need to ensure that you change the email from the current preferred email to the SMS email. In the email area go to Recipients/ Clients then click on the Email Address listed

Select the mobile number (SMS Email) for the client and click ok.

Click Preview to make sure you are happy with the text.

Click Send to send the SMS. A copy of the SMS will be saved to the notes section.

From a client record

Navigate to a client’s Contact page

Click on the SMS Email address to launch the email editor

Click on the Template drop down and select SMS – CONFIRM CLIENT APPOINTMENT

Within the body of the email, insert the date and time for the appointment.

Useful Tip: Copying text from templates and use of (-) & (*) limits the SMS text to 70 characters.