Since 1 October 2021 Target Market Determination (TMD) reporting has been required in both Risk Researcher and WealthSolver.

There are guides and videos available on how to record this information in both Risk Researcher and WealthSolver in the CWT Document Library.

This guide will outline the steps for running reports in CWT that will verify that this recording of TMD information has been completed in CWT.


Identifying Clients

The TMD reports are set to only bring through Risk Researcher and WealthSolver scenarios that have been

created since 1 October 2021. Clients with scenarios predating this date will not be included in the TMD reporting, even if they are included in the search results. Clients for TMD reporting can be identified through an advanced search that meets the criteria required, or by running a full list of clients, or active clients, for your business.

Accessing TMD Xports

Once you have your search results navigate to Reports > Xport.

From the Xport list select either the risk Researcher or WealthSolver report.

For each there is a standard report for identifying if the TMD declaration has been completed, and another to include if it is a significant dealing.

For Matrix and ClearView Financial Advice advisers the Licensee runs the reports and reports any significance to the product provider. You may wish to run reports yourself as a self-check for your own practice to ensure the TMD declarations are being completed as required.

For LaVista Licensees you are responsible for running these reports and reporting to the product provider any significant dealings in accordance with your internal requirements.

Note – Each Xport list is numbered differently for each user.

To change the order of the reports in your list right click on the drop-down arrow to the left

To run the report, click on the Action Icon > Execute > CSV Unlimited Report.

You will receive a pop up advising the report will run in the background.

When the report is ready you will receive a notification

The report output will give the details of the WealthSolver, or Risk Researcher scenarios created since 1 October 2021.


Risk Researcher