
It is important that the Client Category field in CWT is updated to reflect the status of the entity. This will make it easier for your office to run lists and reports and create efficiencies in business as usual tasks.

This guide is will assist you in identifying which client category to use for a client within CWT and how to update the field.

Definitions of Client Categories

The following table outlines the definition of each Client Category. Please read each definition and decide which category is suitable. Your office may not require all options however you should ensure that there is a standard procedure in place for the correct category to be implemented and updated when required.

Client Category field


Potential (Nurture)

A potential client that is not yet ready to seek advice and would like to receive marketing material

Potential (Referred)

A potential client referred by a referral partner that is yet to be contacted.

Potential (Verify)

A potential client that can not be contact as contact detail are incorrect.

If this is used as part of the RMS thread a task will go back to the referral partner to confirm the contact details. so a task is sent

Potential (Contacted)

A potential client that the Adviser’s office has made contact with.

Potential (Deferred)

A potential client that is not yet ready to seek advice but would like contact at a later stage, planner to diarise / schedule for follow up.

Potential (Advice Pending)

A potential client that an advice document is in the process of being prepared for or is awaiting a client’s decision on whether they will proceed.

Client Active

An active client; a client that has proceeded with the Adviser’s recommendations

Referral Closed

A referred client that at any stage of the referral process has decided not to further engage with the Adviser; this could be pre or post an advice document.

Client Inactive

A client that no longer receives ongoing advice or service however is still a client (this may be a client you invoice), or clients that can no longer be contacted (e.g. returned mail) but still have insurance commissions.

Client Closed

A client that has notified that they no longer wish to receive services and has transferred all investments/insurance elsewhere.


A client that has passed away/is deceased.




Client Category field in CWT

You can select the Client Category field in the Add Client Wizard and the existing CWT client profile. It can be manually updated or updated with the use of tasks and threads.

Add Client Wizard

The Client Category field is on the Basic Details screen in the Add Client Wizard. It defaults to Potential (Referred) however can be updated on this screen as required:


Existing CWT Entity

Within an entity’s record the client category can be updated on the Client Snapshot page:

  • Click Edit in the top right of the page
  • Select the appropriate option in the Client Category field, then Click Save.
