Video Published January 2020



This guide will demonstrate how to generate a specific client list by utilising the different fields in Xplan. There will be examples of both simple and more complex search criteria’s.

Adding a Criteria

First bring up your client list by selecting into the Client Search option and then selecting Full List

From the search result page, Click on Criteria then Add to bring up the Add Search Criteria window

Field Group: This is a list of the information relating to the different group fields in Xplan. There will be very few instances where you will not use Entity.

Field: This list will show all the different fields that are available under the Field Group chosen above. The field name in Xplan is a good indication of what to look for in the drop down list.

Operation: The process in which Xplan finds the requires information

Value: Not required for all fields in Xplan but can be free text or searchable content

Once the above has been completed, click on Add then Search to bring up the results. See below section for an example.

Searching for the Criteria

Simple Search

The below Xplan fields and criteria’s are often searched for where the Field Group is Entity

Opt-in Required - [Key Details] Opt-in Required

Next Opt-in Date - [Key Details] Next Opt-in Date

Preferred Email - [Contact] Preferred Email

FSG Version Number - [FSG] FSG Version Number

FSG Adviser Version - [FSG] Adviser Profile Version

FSG Adviser Version Issued Date - [FSG] Adviser Profile Date

Do you want to receive marketing and other updates? – [Mailing] Updates

Entity Status - [Key Details] Entity Status

Client Category - [Key Details] Category


For the search below, you will be shown how to search for clients that have the current FSG:

Once you have selected the Value, click Add so the Criteria is listed as per below, then click Search to bring through the results:

Complex Search

There will be occasions when you would want to search for something more specific than just a single field. This can be done by utilising the Filter List tab and changing the List Type to change the AND/OR functionality:

AND - All criteria within the AND function must be met.

OR - Results will meet any one or more criteria in the function.

NOT - Inverts the other two functions (returns the opposite results). NOT AND returns clients that don't meet all the criteria in the AND function, and NOT OR returns clients that don't meet any of the criteria.

List item must meet all criteria: can be used when a client may have multiple items in categories, such as two or more postal addresses.

With the checkbox unticked: AND criteria need to be met across the client's details as a whole, so a search for Suburb = Sydney AND State = Vic may return a result if the client has two addresses, one in Sydney and one in Victoria.

With the checkbox ticked: The criteria must be met within a single item, ie. The client must have an address that contains both Sydney and Vic


In the below example, the AND function is going to be used to search for clients where their Age is between 2 different age brackets in conjunction with the OR function:

First you will need to add in the OR filter so the AND can search for multiple criteria’s.

Now the AND filter will need to be added in the OR filter by clicking on

Once the AND have been added, you will need to click on  again next to the AND filter to add in the search criteria:

Click Add then add in the second criteria

Then enter in the second Age bracket so it looks like the below, then click on Search to display the results

The second AND filter will need to be added as a separate criteria by clicking on  next to the OR filter in order for this to work.