
Having a client and a partner together in Xplan allows you to easily create and send information to both people easily. You can create a client and their partner when adding details in the Add Client Wizard, however if you did not have partner details at the time you are also able to add them when an entity has been set up. There are two ways that a partner may be added to a client:

  1. adding a partner who is not set up in Xplan;
  2. adding a partner that is already set up in Xplan.

This guide will assist you in both instances outlining which fields needs to be populated in order to ensure that that the records are correctly set up.

1.       Adding a partner who is not set up in Xplan to an existing client

If you have a client set up in Xplan and need to add a partner who is not set up as an entity in Xplan you will need to:

1. navigate into the client’s “Key Details” -> “General” page in Xplan

2. click on the arrow next to the client name at the top of the screen

3. a drop down menu will appear, click on Edit Partner

4. the “Edit Partner” pop up box will appear. Select the radio button Edit New Partner Entity and click Ok

1.2 Adding the Partner’s Personal Details

You will be taken to the “Key Details -> General” screen where there will be a partner column and the fields on the screen will become editable. You will need to type in the details as required including:

  • Title
  • First name
  • Surname
  • Preferred name – Most documents and email templates are coded to select the preferred name
  • Salutation*
  • Address Title* – Change this to include the partner. This field is required on most of our merge letters
  • Marital status – This is required for the Needs analysis risk tool to pick up the partner details

*The “Salutation” and “Address Title” are fields that will appear under the “Client”, it is important that these are updated to reflect the addition of the Partner as coded documents including the SoA use this field.

Add in any other details that are known about the partner.

Once you have completed adding all known information, click on Save.

1.2.1 Adding the Partner’s Contact Details

Navigate to the Key Details > Contact Details screen.

Add in the Partner’s contact details under the “(Partner)” fields. In the event that the partner has contact information that is the same as the client’s, for instance their residential address you are able to copy it from the client’s details by selecting the Copy to Partner button which is the fourth icon under the “Action” heading.

You are then able to merge a Fact Find and complete any further details as usual in the Fact Find Wizard.

2.  Adding an Existing Client as a Partner

If you have a client set up in Xplan and need to add a partner who is also set up as an entity in Xpln you will need to:

1. navigate into the “Key Details” -> “General” page of the entity that you would like to be marked as the “Client” in Xplan

2. click on the arrow next to the client name at the top of the screen

3. a drop down menu will appear, click on Edit Partner

4. the “Edit Partner” pop up box will appear. Select the radio button Use existing client as partner entity. Click on the <Not Selected> search box to search for the partner; type their name and then search. Select the entity from the list (even if there is only one entity in the list) and then click Ok.

5. The name should appear where it was previously <Not Selected>, press Ok.

2.1         Update the Record

You will need to update information in the Key Details -> General screen such as

  • Salutation & Address Title – This is an important step as it needs to be done manually and most coded documents refer to these fields.
  • Marital status – This is required for certain calculators and coding to work including the Needs Analysis

Update any other information where required. When you navigate to the “Contact Details” screen you will notice a fourth option under the “Action” heading. This allows you to copy information to the “Partner”.