The Time Taken Ticker can be accessed at any time by going to the '+' menu next to your name in Xplan and selecting 'Timer'.

Add Timer


You can start to immediately monitor the time taken to complete a work, and then attach the time record to a client.

While tracking using the Time Taken Ticker, if you are interrupted you can pause one Time Ticker and create another. Multiple Time Tickers can be paused, and returned to, at any time.

Recording Time

Step1. Access the Time Taken Ticker by clicking on 'Timer' in the '+' menu next to your name in Xplan.

  • The Time Taken Ticker displays in a new window.
  • The Client field will be prefilled and the Time Ticker will automatically start counting from the moment Time Taken Ticker is displayed if you access Time Taken Ticker while within a client's record.

Time Taken Ticker

Step 2. Assign the Time Ticker to a client

  • The Client for a Time Ticker is automatically set if you access the Time Taken Ticker while within a client's record. You can manually set the client by clicking Assign.

Assign Time Taken Ticker

  • If the client has a partner, clicking Switch to Partner will assign the ticker to the partner entity.
  • You can also enter a Short description for the ticker.

Switch To Partner And Short Description


Step 3. Enter the Time Taken details.

Within the Time Taken Ticker you can use the following controls:

  • Start New - pause the current Time Ticker and create a new Time Ticker
  • Pause - pause the current Time Ticker
  • Resume - restart a Paused Time Ticker
  • Stop - cease the current Time Ticker
  • Edit - once the current Time Ticker has been stopped, you can manually edit the Start Time and Time Taken   values if required
  • Discard - you can delete the current Time Ticker. Only available in Stopped or Paused modes.

Step 4. Save the time taken.

Saving Time Taken - once the timer has Stopped you can choose one of the following:

  • Save - save to the selected Client. Only available in Stopped mode. When saving you can set details such as assigning a Category and Sub Category and setting if the time is Chargeable.
  • Save to Task - save Time Taken to a client Task. For the selected client you can choose 1 incomplete task and whether the time is Chargeable or Non-Chargeable.

The time is saved against the selected task as a comment.


Using multiple time tickers

When you have multiple Time Tickers in use, the Paused Time Tickers list displays. Click a Time Ticker in the list to restart it. The current Time Ticker is paused as a result.

Paused Time Tickers


Viewing Time Taken information

To view Time Taken information, please go to Admin > Business > Time Taken > User time taken.

View Time Taken


Using the Time Taken Ticker in Tasks

The Time Taken Ticker can be used to record time spent on an incomplete Task. These time records are not treated the same as Time Taken Tickers accessed via the '+' menu next to your name in Xplan:

  • in User Time Taken, Task Time Taken Tickers are categorised with the Activity Type Task, not Time Taken.

The Time Taken Ticker can be accessed for an incomplete Task by clicking the round clock icon. This icon is available:

  • on the Comments tab while editing a Task.
