1. Click on your name at the top right of the page > select My Preferences



2. Then select: Email > Signature Options



The Syntax that must be inserted for the wet signature image to appear in the email signature is;



3. Select/Create the email signature via one of the following tick boxes

Use System Default Signature - If there there has been a System wide default signature set

Use User Group Signature - If there there has been a System wide default signature set

Use Personal Signature - Allows you to create your own personal signature. Note: If a User Group or System Default Signature is set to compulsory at a Site or Group Level, you cannot create a Personal Signature.

Signature Image - This image is the "wet" signature image than will appear in the Advisers sign off on Advice Documents. Ensure the image you upload is already the appropriate size.


4. Click Save in the top right-hand corner when done.



Tips for creating professional looking email signatures

The email signature should be created so that is replicates the email signatures in use by your practice when using your current email program. This may involve formatting text, using tables to layout text and images to match the current layout of any email signature.

You can try simply copying and pasting your current signature into Xplan, however this may not always work due to the formatting limitations in Xplan.

Always test the email signature by sending an email to yourself via a test client.


Site and User Group email signatures tend to have items such as name, job title, email, phone and web address coded so that Xplan will pull the relevant information from the user's record.

An example of the code that can be used:


Kind regards,


<:=$user.first_name:> <:=$user.last_name:> <:=$user.user_qualifications:>







Adding images to the email signature

Images such as a practices logo or icons for links to Linked in, Twitter or Facebook help create a professional looking email signature.

Any image used in an email signature must first be uploaded to the Xplan Document Library then the images inserted into the email signature.

Please see Article - How do I add an image to an email template?