
Xplan offers an Outlook plugin that allows you to quickly and easily save a copy of email correspondence as a File Note that is linked to a client or user entity.

Once the Outlook plugin is installed, you select an email and then activate the plugin. A pop-up displays where you set the details for the Note to be created, including visibility settings and Note Type and Subtype. The Note Subject is pre-filled with the email Subject, while the content of the email is saved as the body of the email.

When the Note is saved, a unique reference for the source email is stored. This allows Xplan to track subsequent correspondence in the email thread. If the plugin is run on a later email in the thread, such as a reply from a client, Xplan will add the content of this email to the existing Note. This allows a single Note to hold the entire contents of an email conversation between multiple parties.

IRESS has recently released a new version of the Outlook Plugin that can be used through the Outlook App, or through the Outlook web browser version.


How to Install V2/V3 Outlook Plugin



Version 2

Open a new window tab, copy and paste the URL: https://outlookplugin.iress.com.au/manifest.xml

Version 3

Open a new window tab, copy and paste the URL: https://xfilerplugin.aws-wealth-production-au.iress.online/manifests/au/manifest.xml

This URL will lead you to the below XML file, right click your mouse and click "Save as" to save it to somewhere you know on your computer.



Open outlook =>File => Manage Add-ins. Outlook website version will then pop up.

  • Within the Outlook app, go to File → Options: Manage Add-ins
  • For Outlook 2019+ or Office 365 go to your Account page and select Manage Add-ins
  • By selecting this option, you will be redirected to the Outlook Web App page.

On this page;


  • Switch from All to My add-ins
  • Select Add a custom add-in near the bottom of the page
  • Select Add from URL.




Select My add-ins => Add a custom add in => Add from file


Step4: Add the file you saved from step1.

Then click install. 


You will be notified when the add-in has been installed, and that the new plugin is now linked to your email account and you can file emails to Xplan, either as Notes or Tasks.



How to use the Outlook Plugin

When you log into the plugin for the first time you are required to add the following details: Your Xplan URL (the plugin will retain this information)





Your Xplan username and password (Username and password will clear after every session for security reasons)

Once validated, you are ready to file to Xplan



Outlook Desktop

Navigating back to the desktop, close and re-open the Outlook application again, and the new Plugin icon will display on the Outlook Ribbon.


Outlook live

The File to Xplan option will only be available when you have selected an email to file.

Select the email that you want to file to Xplan. Click on the three dots on the right-hand side to bring up the menu, and select File to XPLAN




When using the web version, the look and feel is different to the desktop application. The File to Xplan option will only appear once you have opened the email in the reading pane. Selecting More actions (three dots) → File to Xplan will all lead to the File to Xplan slide-out appearing on the right side of the screen.


Additional Notes When using Outlook Plugin V3 


There are now three filing options for you to select when filing an email to Xplan;


  1. File Email to New Note
  2. File Email to a New Task
  3. File Email to an existing Active Task



  • Select the email you wish to file to Xplan and either:
  • Click the three dots on the right-hand side of the page and select File to XPLAN; or
  • Select File to XPLAN from the Outlook ribbon
  • From the screen that appears enter details so the system can search for your client.
  • Select the client from the list that is generated



  • Select if the email is to be filed to Notes, a New Task, or an Active Task
  • Select the Type, Sub-Type, and Visibility for the Note or Task

  • Confirm the details are correct, and click File



  • You will then receive a notification that the Email has been filed.


To configure your default options when saving emails as file notes.

Click on your User's name > 'My Preferences'


Email plugins > Settings

From this page, you will be able to set the default entity status when searching for clients through the plugin, default not Type and SubType, permissions and tasks defaults