About the Auto EPI data download facility

AdviserNET’s EPI data download facility allows you to download data using the ‘Auto’ or ‘Custom’ method.

The Auto EPI download facility allows you to automatically download your clients’ account data (transactions, account balances, income and expenses) to third party software providers, streamlining your administration.

Generally, data downloads are scheduled to run overnight as follows:

Tuesday to Friday – data files will only include transactions processed since the last data file was sent (delta data). Saturday to Sunday – data files will include all historical data for the selected client accounts (since inception, refresh requests and delta data) and can take 24-48 hours to become available.

AdviserNET currently provides auto data downloads to the following software providers:

Software provider

File format


EPI 3.2

BGL - Simple Fund 360

EPI 3.2

Class Super

EPI 3.2


EPI 3.2


EPI 4.3


EPI 3.2


EPI 4.3


Application for Auto data downloads (Dealer only)

The Auto EPI download facility is available once your dealer has completed the Application for Auto Downloads and accepted the Confidentiality and Conditions of Service Agreement for the third party software providers. The application can only be made at dealer level access.

  1. From Tools > Data downloads click Application for EPI auto
  2. Nominate the third party software provider(s) by checking the relevant tick box(es).
  3. Select the ‘I accept’
  4. Click

Accessing the Auto EPI download facility

Before you begin:

  1. Ensure your dealer has completed the Application for Auto Downloads for the third party software providers
  2. Register each adviser who wants to receive the data feeds with the nominated third party software provider and ensure their adviser (BA) codes are set up in the software.
  3. Notify the third party software provider that you intend to start using AdviserNET’s Auto data download As part of this notification you will need to ensure:
    1. you provide the third party provider with a list of adviser (BA) codes to be setup for auto data downloads
    2. the third party provider configures the adviser (BA) codes for auto downloads into their network
    3. you have configured third party software to support the adviser (BA)
  4. Once you start using the Auto EPI downloads facility you must stop using the manual facility (if applicable).

Setting up your Auto EPI download files

Once your dealer has completed the Application for Auto Downloads, auto data download files can be setup at dealer, office or adviser access levels . To ensure no duplication of data is sent to a third party provider, a warning will be displayed if there is an existing auto data download request.

  1. From Tools > Data downloads click EPI
  2. Click
  3. Enter a download name (maximum of 50 characters).
  4. Select the download type ‘Third party software’ (Auto download) and then select the relevant third party software provider.
  5. Choose to include data for all clients under the selected adviser codes or specific clients by selecting the relevant 'Subscription level'.

The 'Adviser' subscription level will include data for all clients under the selected adviser codes. You will also have the option to include new offices and advisers.

The 'Client' subscription level will only include data for the clients that have been selected.

  1. Choose the products that you want to include in the All product types are pre-selected as a default. If you don’t want to include any of the selected options, untick the applicable box(es).
  2. Click Submit. The ’EPI Download – summary’ screen will display your new download

Once you have completed the setup requirements, the auto download data files will be sent to the nominated third party each night. To arrange an entire data refresh for one or more advisers, remove the existing data download and add a new EPI data download.




Log into your AdviserNET account, and then go to Tools -> Data Downloads -> EPI Download:



Click "Add":
Enter a download name (maximum of 50 characters), and select "Third Party" download type. From the drop-down menu, choose 'Xplan'.

If Xplan does not appear as an option, ask your Licensee to review the instructions in Phase One, above.
Ensure that all options are ticked, and click "Save"
TIP: If you are also eligible for investment datafeeds, following these instructions once will commence the feed for both Insurance and Investment data.


Updating on Xplan

To use the initial balance feature, Navigate to the button > Integration > System Datafeeds

From System Datafeeds page, click Mappings > Advisers

The 'User' that the Adviser Mapping is added against will be the 'Vendor Adviser, it is best practice that the user selected is the 'Client Adviser' in Xplan.

When the correct user is selected;

If the adviser does not currently have an AdviserNet Adviser Mapping, click Add Mapping.

Adviser Name (Adviser Name as registered with Provider, if it is different to the Xplan user name)
Adviser ID (Up to 15 characters), this will usually be 7 numbers, followed by 'BA01' (eg. 2803789BA01)


The AdviserNet datafeed will appear as a line item under the user it was added against, the new/updated adviser mapping can take 24-48 hours to register with IressNet


Published by Garrett White