Video Published May 2018


Note: If you are a CWT User, you are required to have Office Manager Access to be able to enter/update the Managed Field Content Templates.

This guide and video shows you how to create Managed Field Content templates to store default texts against certain Compass fields. These templates allow you to auto-populate fields resulting in efficiencies in advice generation.

Please note that the only fields available for you to access templates against are fields with on the right corner, see example below.

Adding a Managed Field Content Template

1. Go to Admin> Interface > Managed Field Content

2. One you are on the Managed Field Content page, you will be able to see all list fields available to add template against.

(Tip: It is quite useful to use the Ctrl + F search functionality to look for a specific field)

(Note: If you are part of the LaVista service on CWT, please use the fields that have “LaVista” in the Field Name where applicable)

3. If you require any assistance with locating the field please contact the Advice Technology team and we will be able to assist you with finding the field.

4. Once you have located the field you require, select it by clicking the field and then scroll to the bottom of the page to add the template.

5. Locate the window Template Values and then click Add on the top right corner.

6. Fill out the details within the window by giving the template a Name, set Permission to Share with group as this allows all users in your firm to access this and then Add in the content of the template.

7. Click save and then you will find the template instantly available in the field that you have this added.

8. Once you click on save, you will have the option of either append the existing content existing already in the field OR override entirely.