Video Published January 2020



The purpose of this document is to provide new users with a basic understanding of utilising Task & Threads on Xplan.


Viewing Tasks

Once you have logged into Xplan, there are a few ways to view Tasks that have either been assigned to you or other staff members in your practice.

1. User Task Screen

To see Tasks assigned to yourself or other users in your practice, go to Xplan > Diary & Workflow > Task.

Utilise the Search Filters on the top of this page to filter down the Tasks you want to see.

2. Client Task Screen

To view Tasks that are attached to specific clients, find & select any Client > Workflow > Tasks.

Again, utilise the Search Filters on the top of this page to filter down the Tasks you want to see.

3. Outstanding Task Widget

Adding the ‘Outstanding Task’ widget on your user dashboard will allow you to quickly see upcoming/overdue tasks that have been assigned to you.

To add the widget, go to any tab on your Dashboard > select the drop-down arrow > Add Widget > select ‘Outstanding Task’. Configure the widget to show outstanding tasks assigned to you.

4. Task Quick Search

On the Quick Search bar > click on the icon drop-down and select either ‘Task by ID’ or ‘Task by Subject’.

Depending on the search option you’ve selected, you can either enter a Task ID, or a subject.

Adding a Task

You can add new tasks on the User Task Screen or the Client Task Screen.

Select Add to create a new Task.

Editing a Task

You have 2 options to edit a task:

  1. Add a new task
  2. click on the Task Subject > Edit, or
  3. select the Action drop-down > Edit (from a list of tasks)

Enter task details as required against each of the following tabs:

Details tab

  • Templates – use existing Task Templates with pre-populated information
  • Subject – enter the title of the Task
  • Description – enter a detailed (step-by-step) description of the Task
  • Status – set the status of the Task (will default to ‘Unactioned’ for new tasks)
  • Assigned To – specify the assignee for the Task
    • User – search for an existing user to take ownership of the Task
    • Dynamic Roles – automatically assign Task based on dynamic roles in your practice (ensure that you have linked the Task to a Client Entity & check with your practice manager that Dynamic Roles have been setup on Xplan)
    • Entity Responsibility – this option will display if you have linked the Task to a Client Entity. E.g. this option is applicable when you are waiting on the client to provide info/documents
  • Entity – select the entity the Task refers to. This field can be left blank for Task that are not necessary
  • Permission – control the editability of the Task
  • Due Date – when the Task is to be completed by
  • Reminder Days – set how many days before the Task due date should the assignee be reminded

Comments tab

  • Checklist – a list of items to be completed in the Task. Checklists can be optional or mandatory. When enabled, the following fields will display:
    • Add to Checklist – allows you to add additional items to the checklist
    • Force Checklist Completion – when set to ‘Yes’, all mandatory items must be completed to complete the Task
  • Comments – allows you to add any comments to a Task. You can record and enter Time Taken against each comment
  • Comments List – shows you a trail of previously recorded comments against the Task

Attachments tab

Files related to the Task can be uploaded and saved here.

Outcomes tab

Tasks can have one or more outcomes depending on the nature of the Task.

E.g. a Task to schedule a meeting with a client can have the following outcomes – 1. Client Accepts Meeting or 2. Client Declines Meeting.

Normal Tasks will have a single outcome called “Complete Normally” by default.

Email tab

Email can be configured to automatically send out to specific recipients based on the Task Status.

Select Add > select an existing Email Template > choose when you want the email to be sent (i.e. when Due) > select the relevant recipients

Xmerge & IPS tab

Xmerge templates and IPS reports can be configured to merge automatically based on the Task Status.

Once generated, the report outputs will be available on the Attachments tab.

Notification tab

This area allows you to select who to notify when a Task is Created, Changed, Due and Not Complete, or Complete.

Reassigning a Task

To reassign a Task to a different user, Edit the Task > clear the Assigned To field > search for another existing user > Save.

Completing a Task

When viewing a list of Tasks > select the Status drop-down > select Complete.

You can also complete a Task in Edit mode.

Viewing Threads

Threads are a linked series of Tasks that capture specific recurring processes.

*Best practice: Due to the complexity of Threads, always create and save your Threads within the Templates area so you can access them for future use. *

Follow the steps below to view and/or create Threads against clients:

1. User Thread Screen

  1. Go to Xplan > Diary & Task > Thread
  2. Filter your Search options to obtain the required results

2. Client Thread Screen

  1. Go to an existing entity > Workflows > Threads
  2. Filter your Search options to obtain the required results

3. Thread ID Quick Search

On the Quick Search bar > click on the icon drop-down and select ‘Thread ID’


Adding a Thread

  1. Select the Add button to add a new Thread > select from an existing Thread Template
  2. Once you have selected a Thread Template > select Save
  3. When you are ready, select Activate to kick off the Thread (once you activate the Thread, the first Task will appear in your Task views).

Abort an Active Thread

From any Thread view, select the Action drop-down > Abort.

Once a Thread is aborted, all associated Tasks will disappear from the Task list. You can view the aborted Thread by going to any Thread view > toggle ‘Past’ Threads. You will also can re-activate the Thread to pick up where you left off.



You should now be able to keep track of workflows on Xplan.

If you have any questions please contact Adviser Technology Services on (07) 5668 1406 or