The Scheduler function finds entities based on saved search criteria and execute a variety of activities including generating Xports, management reports, Merge Reports and sending emails.
A Schedule can run multiple activities. For example, a monthly Schedule can identify all clients that have their FDS/Opt-In due, generate an Xport and Xmerge report for the clients, and send notifications to multiple advisers.
Each time a Schedule is executed, CWT stores the inputs and outcomes of each stage of the Schedule. You can go back and re-run a Schedule stage, and CWT will produce the same outputs as would be generated at the original time of execution.
One benefit of this is the ability to report on historical client data that may have been lost, due to an event such as a receiving email server failing. By re-running the Schedule you can obtain the exact client information that was produced when the Schedule originally ran.
Once all the search criteria’s have been saved, the Schedule can now be set up. You can either search for the word “scheduler” in the quick nav or click on the symbol then Site > Scheduler
Once you are in the Manage Schedules section, Click on Add
Enter in the Schedule Name and tick the Ensure schedule runs box in the occasion where the site may be down.
The Recurrence can be set to run to your choosing, example below:
Yearly – Every January 1
Start Date – When you want the Schedule to Start
End Date – this can be blank
Make sure “Specific” is set in the drop down box.
Time To Run – its best to choose a time early in the morning
This tab is important as it will outline the steps necessary to run the schedule correctly. Click on Add to start the first step:
After clicking Add, please select the below Step Type then click Ok
The below window will then appear to select the list of clients to search for:
Name: Enter a step name
Selection Type: Leave as Select
Saved Search: FDS & Opt-In - 01.Jan
Click Ok
Click Add to enter in the next step and select the below Step Type then click Ok
Once you have clicked Ok, there will be another window that will come up to select the report type:
Name: Enter a step name
Report: FDS Scheduler
Output Type: CSV Unlimited Report
Click Ok
Click Add to enter in the next step and select the below Step Type then click Ok
The below window will appear to set who and how the notifications are received:
We recommend ticking the Notify Message and Notify Email boxes.
To add in Recipients, type in the name then click on , select the user from the drop down menu then click on
to add the Recipient. After adding the first user, click on
to clear the field and repeat steps to add multiple users, then click Ok.
You will receive the following pop-up, just click Ok to proceed:
The steps should now appear as per below, then click Close to save the Schedule
The final step is to “Enable” the Schedule so it runs as per the frequency that we set. This is done by clicking on and selecting Enable:
Please repeat the above steps for the remaining Months changing the Recurrence to the respective month.