Document Tagging Guide

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of how to add, manage, and search for tags within notes and templates in your Document Library or Client's File Notes
NOTE: File Note Types and Subtypes must still be used in according to your record keeping licensee standards. Document Note Tagging is an optional functionality to better help you manage your file notes.

Adding a Tag to an Ad-hoc Note

Creating or Editing a Note

  1. Access the Note Field: When creating or editing an adhoc note, locate the Tag field.

  2. Add Tags: You can add a maximum of six tags to the note.

Adding a Tag to a Note Template

Document Note Templates

  1. Access the Template Hub: Go to the ‘Notes & Documents’ hub in the Document Library under the ‘Template’ category.

  2. Edit Template: Select the template you wish to edit or add a new one.

  3. Add Tags: Tags can be added to the template, which will automatically be included when a user creates a note using this template.

  4. Create Client Note: When a user creates a client note from a template, the tags from the template will be included. Additional tags can be added as needed.

Adding/Removing Tags in Bulk

Applying Tags in Bulk

  1. Access Document Library: Navigate to the Document Library or within a specific client.

  2. Apply Filters: Set any necessary filters to narrow down the notes you want to update.

  3. Select Notes: Choose the notes you wish to tag.

  4. Perform Bulk Action:

    • From the action dropdown, select Bulk Action > Change Tags > Add Tags.
    • In the ‘Tags to Add’ field, select the tags you want to apply and click Ok.

  5. Tag Limits: Notes can have a maximum of six tags. If a note already has six tags or adding the new tags would exceed this limit, the bulk action for that note will fail.

  6. Processing: If more than 50 notes are selected, the action will be processed as a background job. You will receive a notification when the job is complete.


Removing Tags in Bulk

  1. Access Document Library: Navigate to the Document Library or within a specific client.

  2. Apply Filters: Set any necessary filters to narrow down the notes you want to update.

  3. Select Notes: Choose the notes you wish to modify.

  4. Perform Bulk Action:

    • From the action dropdown, select Bulk Action > Change Tags > Remove Tags.
    • In the ‘Tags to Remove’ field, select the tags you want to remove and click Ok.

  5. Tag Presence: Notes without the specified tags in the ‘Tags to Remove’ field will not be affected.

  6. Processing: If more than 50 notes are selected, this will be processed as a background job. You will receive a notification when the job is complete.


Using Tag Filters

Searching for Notes

  1. Access Filters: In the Document Library or within client notes, use the filter options.

  2. Tags Filter:

    • Use the ‘Tags’ filter to search for notes with specific tags.
    • You can search for up to six tags at once.

  3. Exclude Tags Filter:

    • Use the ‘Exclude Tags’ filter to search for notes excluding certain tags.
    • You can filter out up to six tags at once. Note that any tag selected in the ‘Exclude Tags’ filter will override those in the ‘Tags’ filter. For example, selecting ‘investment’ in both filters will exclude any note with the ‘investment’ tag.