
This guide will go through the process to view and create both Merge Letter and Email templates.
This will assist with creating emails and or letters for your practice which can be merged or emailed, either individually, or in bulk.


Navigating to template section

Click the Admin (gears) icon and select Site.



Select the Templates section.


 If you do not see templates you may not have that Capability, with appropriate approval this can be added by the CWT Support team

From the Admin section you can arrange and manage multiple types of templates.


Blue = Letter template (Merge)

Guide – Click Here to jump to section

Yellow = Email Templates

Guide – Click Here to jump to section

Adding a letter template

To add a letter template, select Merge Templates and Manage.


Find your practice’s labelled template folder, select the arrows to expand, and view all your templates with descriptions.

Select Add Template.


Complete highlighted sections.

Template name = what you will see it in the list

Description = Brief description for the list

Comments = more detailed comments and can be used for instructions

Report Type = this is where you specify from where you can access the merge report.

Once the above steps are completed, select Create and you will be taken to a new screen.


This guide will focus on Entity reports, with additional information provided around Entity List reports.


Key Difference (examples and further details here)

Entity = can be accessed from either the client Merge Report or from a Search list brings through information on an entity by entity basis and best for generating bulk client letters.


Entity List = can only be accessed from a search list and pools the information from the selected clients into a single document ideal for excel documents where you are bringing through client details ie “Practice Report – Client Services Report”






The next screen allows for modification of the template details.


Brief outline of main sections

1.     Main – allows you to adjust generation and name of the template

2.     Files – this is where you add your coded or un-coded document to be produced in the merge report.




Please note this will only save the word version of the document produced.


Select Edit in the top right corner to allow you to adjust details.


The Main page allows you to adjust the template name and details.



Add to Note

This option allows for the automatic adding of a file note after merging the document, including the use of an already templated file note.



The Only Editable by template owner section is key to review when creating the template as it will allow other people to modify or adjust the template or add updated versions of your merge letter. Recommendation is leave as No.

The Files section is where you upload your coded or un-coded document to be merged.


To upload you document select Choose File.


This will open your computer’s filing system for you to pick the appropriate folder.

Select the file to be uploaded and then select Open.


Here you will see your file name next to Choose File you can add a description for the file, otherwise select Upload


Your uploaded file will appear in the below section, should you need to remove it for any reason, you can simply select the x.

You can also make it a required (Req) file if needed.



Select list to exit and go back to your merge template list.




To access some basic Word coding click Here


Adding an Email template

To add an email template, select Admin > Site > Templates > Email template


Select the Add dropdown and then email from blank template


You will be brought into the email template screen.


Recipient Type designates who the email is to be sent to, and for this field, Client is generally the selection.


You can also add Dynamic Recipients which will allow the template to send, cc or bcc to the client’s adviser, CSM or other “Dynamic Roles”.



Brief Description – This is what you will see when you select the template, CWT recommend a description similar to the below -

“Practice Name – basics of email” ie “CWT – Offer of Review (hyperlink)”


Subject – This will be what the client sees as the subject line.


From Address – This can be used to override the address from which the email is sent ie an “admin@” or shared inbox address.





Contents – this is where you add the body of your email as well as any formatting you require.


You can add email coding to your template.  This could include having the client and adviser details being automatically populated.
If you have a custom email signature set up in CWT this will automatically be brought through into the email.



To view the coding available, select the highlighted X which will provide the Syntax “coding” options pop up.

In most cases the From/To box will be Recipient and the Category will be Key Details, then select the appropriate property, such as first name or surname.


You can use the Syntax Check option to confirm coding.



To access some basic email coding click Here

Attachments – This section allows you to attach documents already in CWT or from your filing system.

To upload your document select Upload File.

This will open your computer’s filing system for you to pick the appropriate folder.



Select your file to be used and then select Open.





Your uploaded file will appear in the below section, and should you need to remove it for any reason you can simply select the x.



For example, adding a flyer from the Marketing Material folder.



Attach Document File – This will allow you to select and attach already uploaded document into your email ie Marketing Material provided by your Dealer Group.


To select your document, find and open the file, click on the File note, then on the Attachment/file to be included, and click OK.


Your selected file will appear as per above



Override From Address – This section allows you to designate a “Dynamic Role” from which the email would be sent i.e. adviser.  This is useful should you be sending a bulk email across multiple advisers in your practice.



Miscellaneous – This section designates who can see and access the template as well as if it creates a file note (useful for meeting Benchmarks)

The example provided is the CWT recommended set up.


Turning off Client Access stops it from being available to the client in the client portal.


Note type and Subtype options reflect the options that can be found under Filling.



After completing all the relevant sections select Save and then Close


CWT Recommend testing your template to ensure it is correct prior to sending to clients.


Merging your report


If you have set up a report or have reports which appear as Entity you can access them from within the client profile, or from a client search result.


Within the client select the Client icon to bring up the navigation menu (if not already visible).

Select Merge Report from the menu.


Within the client profile you will only see Entity merge report options. Generate the documents as per normal.




Entity List

Using the Entity List Merge Report option.

If you have set up a report or have reports which appear as Entity List you can access them Only from a criteria search list result.


After generating a search result list, select Reports > Merge Reports (select the gears if you can’t see the options).

Once in the merge reports, select your template folder in the Report Category.
The Target Clients can allow you to run on all clients or just the selected.


From here both Entity and Entity List reports will be visible.

Generate the required documents.



Basic Coding

Letter Coding

Date (formatted for a letter)

<:=datetime_merge.format(‘%d %B %Y’).lstrip('0'):>

Address Title and Address


<:for item in $client.address.filter(‘preferred=True’):>


<:=item.suburb:>  <:=item.state.value.upper():>  <:=item.postcode:>




Preferred Phone





Preferred Email






Client Names






Partner Names










Client and Partner coding (client only when no partner)

Can be substituted for the above name options.

Dear <:=$client.first_name:><:if $partner:> and <:=$partner.first_name:> <:end:>,


Dear <:=$client.preferred_name:><:if $partner:> and <:=$partner.preferred_name:><:end:>,

Adviser Signature coding







Authorised Representative No <:=$client.client_adviser.authorised_rep_no:>

<:if $client.client_adviser.xpt_crn:>

Credit Representative No: <:=$client.client_adviser.xpt_crn:>


Matrix Planning Solutions Limited

AFSL and ACL 238256   ABN 45 087 470 200


ClearView Financial Advice Pty Limited

AFSL 331367   ABN: 89 133 593 012

Email Coding

Client Names



Partner Names






Coding for bulk to allow client only or client and partner

<:=$recipient.first_name:><:if $recipient.has_partner:> and <:=$recipient.partner.first_name:><:end:>,


<:=$recipient.preferred_name:><:if $recipient.has_partner:> and <:=$recipient.partner.preferred_name:><:end:>,



Adviser signature coding

(can be used if no email signature block for template or coming from adviser)

Allows the template to work out adviser from client.

<:=$recipient.client_adviser.first_name:> <:=$recipient.client_adviser.last_name:>


<:if $recipient.client_adviser.jobtitle:>




Authorised Representative No <:=$recipient.client_adviser.authorised_rep_no:>
