
The following procedure uses CWT email templates with hyperlinks (click response) to make it easy for clients to accept/reject an offer of review or your RoA recommendations. 

Client responses to the emails are picked up by an overnight alert triggering a task template to ensure you that you action the clients request.

Composing the email

Start a new email to the client by clicking an email hyperlink


Once in the email editor, select one of the following templates

Check over the content of the email, the text can be adjusted to suit your business it’s a good habit to click on Preview to check how the email will be displayed, when ready click Send.

The email will be sent to the client awaiting their response. When the client clicks the accept or reject hyperlink they will receive the following message.



Alert of a response

The response fields can be viewed in Compliance > Reviews.

An accept or reject response made by the client will change the data on these status fields instantly.

The client adviser and their client service manager will be notified when the field changes from blank to a value of ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ by way of an alert email as pictured below.  Note that the alert runs every evening so there will be a slight delay until you are notified of their decision. Also, if several clients were emailed and they all make the same decision, the alert email will contain information from multiple clients. A task will be added to all clients listed on the email.

Alert task management

So that you don’t lose track of responses, a task is added to each client as appropriate. It is important to complete this task to ensure that the client response is recorded in the necessary file notes and also to reset the hyperlink status fields to blank, so they can be used again. Here is a table listing the possible hyperlink outcomes and which task will be triggered: -

Email template and response

Task triggered by alert

RoA recommendations acceptance YES 

*RoA Recommendations accepted, implement changes

RoA recommendations acceptance NO

*RoA Recommendations declined, add file note

Offer of a review YES

*Review accepted. Contact client to arrange date

Offer of a review NO

*Review offer declined. Complete to add note.


Complete the task added to record details of the outcome, here is an example.

Completing the task will perform two activities: -

Automatic Activity 1 – Add File Note

Will take you to the ‘Add file note’ page with an appropriate add file note template, see picture below.

Automatic Activity 2 – Reset fields

Reset the status field back to blank as below so that another (hyperlink) email can be sent. Remember that the alert works by recognising a change in the field value. So if the status field was say already set to ‘Yes’ and client responds as a ‘Yes’ to the same email, the alert won’t know that the field has changed.

Note: the client changes this field from blank to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ (via the hyperlink) and the task completion changes it back to blank.

Setting the email sent date

The email sent date can be changed 3 ways:

  • Manually by editing the page
  • By doing a modify all
  • By adding a task

This will allow you to run reports to see who you have sent the email to, who hasn’t clicked on the link in the email template.

Modify All

This section is only for users who have Office Manager Access.

Make sure you have only selected the clients whom you have sent or are going to send the email to or refer to the CWT User Guide – Criteria Search for more information.

Then click on Functions à Modify All

Function = Change… To…

Parameters = [Entity] RoA Email Sent Date Or [Entity] Review Email Sent Date

And set the date to the date the email was sent, then click Run

Adding the task

This only needs to be done if you do not have Office Manager Access.

Make sure you have only selected the clients whom you have sent or are going to send the email to or refer to the CWT User Guide – Criteria Search for more information.

Select the email template and Save:

  • RoA Email Sent
  • Review Email Sent


Go to Hubs > Tasks

Select all of the RoA/Review Email Sent tasks and select Modify All

Set the parameters as [Task] Status > Complete and run.



This report will provide a list of clients who you have sent the hyperlink to and haven’t responded. This will only work if you have set the email sent date.

Go to your Full List > Reports > Xport -> Review/RoA Email Sent & No Response

Select Execute > CSV Unlimited Report and in a few minutes you will receive a report in your bell icon at the top of the screen and the report will look like this: