
We are frequently asked for additional guidance on how to file in CWT (Xplan). Electronic filing is quite different to hard copy filing. Of upmost importance is that you are able to find documents, once they have been saved in the system. A new file note structure that uses broader overall categories to segment filing will be implemented. We are also recommending changes to the way some important documents are retained with only one file note used and added to over time. Some of the existing categories can lead to the same document being potentially filed in different places by different people. These changes should improve the ability of your practice to find important documents and reduce the need to go in and out of multiple notes to find a particular file. We wil

This Filing Guidance document addresses the following three areas:

  1. Filing categories
  2. Further guidance on how to keep different types of data

Filing Categories

We suggest that you use the main ‘Note’ type to ensure documents can be found easily. Use of the sub types will further define the content but use of the sub categories is optional. 


Main Note type Sub types - Optional use Guidance or Suggested filing or suggested use of sub types?
Client Correspondence Advice Document Letter One file note per item.
    For reviews:
Annual Review Market Update Review documentation can sit under Client Correspondence>Reviews
Application Marketing Exceptions:
    Updated review information should be under Fact Find> Review Fact Find.
Appointment Newsletter Any advice documents from reviews should be under SoA or RoA.
    Any meeting specific information e.g. agenda should go under ‘Meeting’.
ASIC Opt-in  
Authority to Proceed Payments  
Cash Flow Statements Portfolio Review Report  
Consent Form (Provider Only) Review  
Correspondence Seminar  
Digital Signature Service Agreement  
Email Services  
FDS and Consent SMS  
Fixed Term Arrangement Strategy  
Fixed Term Consent Super/Pension  
FSG Taxation  
Fund or Model Portfolio Privacy  
Insurance Opt-In    
Investment Strategy    
Legislative Updates    
Corporate Insurance Claim  
Policy Document
Corporate Super Claim You must use the sub categories for Intrafund Advice Fund advice register to function correctly.
Corporate Super Tools
Employer Support
Information Session
One on One
One on One Email
One on One Face to Face
One on One Phone
Review of Plan
Document Archive  
Old Scanned Documents
Email Advice Legislative Updates Market Update One file note per email.
Advice Documents Marketing  
    Ensuring you use the sub categories for the main category email which will help you find documents in the future. For example an email from an underwriter may have the main category Email and a sub category Risk. This will limit the number of emails you need to go through to find a particular email.
Annual Review Newsletter  
Annuities and Pension No Advice This Note type does not include client direct email communications (refer to Client Correspondence for this)
Application Old Scanned Documents  
Archive Ongoing Advice  
ASIC Opt-in  
Bank Pension  
Cash Flow Statements Portfolio Review Report  
Centrelink Product  
Checklist Property  
Claim Review  
Consent Form (Provider Only) Review FNA  
Correspondence Review of Plan  
Debt Risk Insurance  
Estate Planning Seminar  
Fact Find Services  
FDS and Consent Settlement  
Finance Shares  
Financials Super  
Fixed Term Agreements Taxation  
Fixed Term Consent Withdrawal  
FSG Privacy  
Identification Wind up  
Information Session    
Fact Find Authority to Access Information We however suggest only one document note. “Fact Find> Fact Find” with all completed fact finds attached to this one doc note.
Combined Fact Find+Terms of Eng+Auth Acc  
Fact Find See 1.1 for a screen shot.
FSG The document note would have a ‘created’ date when first created but document note the modified date would change each time a new file or fact find was updated.
  If you wished to further segment you could use the other sub types for FSG, terms of engagement etc.
Review Fact Find (Review Information)  
Risk Profile Questionnaire  
Terms of Engagement  
Follow-up Application  
General Advice Old Scanned Documents One document note per meeting/ phone call OR Grouped file notes.
Archive Referral to 3rd party Refer to 1.3 and 1.4
Correspondence Referrer  
Cost to Serve Calculator Services  
Email Withdrawal  
File Note    
Fixed Term Arrangement    
Meeting Advice One document note per meeting.
Fixed Term Arrangement
Plan Presentation
Other Archive Self-Reported incident/breach One document note per item.
Cash Flow Statements Services
Centrelink Site Maintenance
Company SMSF
Debt Support
Estate Planning Taxation
Marketing Trust
Membership Wholesale
No Advice  
Phone Call Advice Marketing One document note per phone call.
Advice Documents No Advice
Annual Review One on One
Annuities and Pension Ongoing Advice
Appointment Opt-in
Authority to Proceed Product
Bank Plan Presentation
Cash Flow Statements Prospera
Centrelink Review
Claim Review Fact Find (Review Information)
Debt Review FNA
Email Review of Plan
Estate Planning Risk Insurance
Fact Find Risk Profile
FDS and Consent Questionnaire
Fixed Term Censent Services
File Note Shares
Finance SMS
Financials Strategy
Fixed Term Consent Super
FSG Taxation
Identification Terms of Engagement
Information Session Time Critical
Initial Withdrawal
Products Annuities and Pension Remuneration One document note per document and correspondence.
Application Shares
Bank Super
Consent Form (Provider Only)  
Policy Document  
Research Working Papers Checklist One document note per lot of working papers per advice- called Working papers for Advice dated 1 Sept 2014.
Insurance Quotes  
Portfolio Review Best Interest Duty checklist or other checklists should be in the file note with the working papers.
Preliminary Analysis  
Product Research  
RoA Additional Investment One document note for all RoAs
  One document note for all Authorities to proceed.
Authority to Proceed  
Hold / No Change  
Time Critical  
SMS Appointment    
  Information Session    
SoA Authority to Proceed   One document note for all SoAs refer 1.1.
      One document note for all Authorities to proceed refer to 1.1.
      *Save final/presented SoA as pdf.
  Time Critical    
Secure Message Adviser Initiated   Flows from notes added to New Client Portal