XPLAN Diary allows you to keep track of appointments and meetings with clients and other users. Diary events can be created from templates, and set as private or made visible to other users. The outcomes of Diary events can be used to perform actions such as creating other Diary events, Notes, or Tasks, or redirecting the user to a specific XPLAN page.
To create a diary event against a client, navigate into their profile and go to Activities > Diary. If you would to check for any duplicate time slots before creating the event, click on Search Slot and complete the required information. Once you have checked, click Add
You will then be taken to the Edit Event page and if there is a partner attached to the client, will receive the below message. Click OK to add the partner or Cancel for just the client.
From this page you will need to complete the relevant details for the appointment:
Select a template: You can choose from a pre-loaded Diary template or you can create your own (Office Manager Access only)
Title: All events must have a title. This is displayed on the Diary view.
Time Zone: Based on either the Client or Adviser's location, please be mindful and consistent.
Repeat: If the event is to be ongoing, you can set the frequency.
The diary entry will not synchronize to your Outlook unless the name in the Organiser field is the name of the person whose diary is being synchronized.
Category: To be used to classify events.
Permission: Controls who can edit and view the event.
Client Access: If you would the event to be visible on Client Portal.
Outcome: To be changed as needed.
Dynamic Participants: Click to include users that have certain adviser roles for clients. These users are added to the event when the event is saved. This is an automatic process and does not check for scheduling conflicts.
To add any attendees for the event, click on to remove any current users, type in their name then click on
to find them.
The Previous and Next buttons change the day of the event in the specified time slot.
To add multiple clients, click on then search for the client, click on their name then click OK.
You can add in an outcome once the event has been completed. This can range from adding a file note or taking you to a page in Xplan.
If your Action is set to Go To A Page or Go To A Wizard Page, please ensure that the Page is set to Adviser Interface then Click to choose which page of Xplan you would like to be taken to, then click OK.
You can choose who to notify for amendments to the appointment. Do not select any of the “Notify clients” options.
If you would like to send a reminder to the client/s about the scheduled appointment, Click on Add. Either select a Template or add your message in the Contents tab and complete the “Time to Send”. It's always a good habit to Preview the SMS or email first, then click Save.
You have the option of adding an agenda list as well as any documents you would like to use during the meeting.
Upon saving the Diary event, you can select from a list of document templates to merge the details of the meeting which will appear for download in your notifications icon. Do not click Save yet unless you are ready to add the meeting to your Xplan Diary.
Upon saving the Diary event, you can select from a list of document templates specific to your practice or from any of the standard Xplan templates.
Click on Add to bring up the Xmerge page and select the appropriate Report Category then click on to select the template
If you would like to add this document as a file note against the client, tick the Add merge result as a document note. To set the date for the document to generate, click on When and choose when to “Generate” and will appear for download in your notifications icon .
Do not click Save yet unless you are ready to add the meeting to your Xplan Diary.
Click Back which will take you to the main Xmerge page as per the below screenshot. You may click Save at this point once you are ready or you can go back to the Edit Event page to double-check the Diary details
You can alternatively add in a Diary event as well as view your Xplan Diary as a whole by clicking on > Diaries.
If you have added any events through a client already they will appear as per below screenshot (1) in a Monthly View. To create one, click on the required day and select Add New Event (2) which follows the same steps in Edit Event, however, if you would like to record a client against the event, you will need to add them in the Clients tab manually. You can also click on New (3) to create an event.
You can also generate a PDF (4) merge with all the events in a specified time range.
Provided the Permission has been set accordingly through the Details Tab, you will be able to view the Diary events of other users by first changing the Diary to All Diary (1) and then clicking on (2)
Search for the user, click on their name then OK.
The page will reload and the selected user will be available to view: