Video Published March 2018



The purpose of this guide is to help users link your assets, platforms and accounts from your Client Focus to your IPS accounts, this is to avoid duplication and provide you with up to date account balances straight from the datafeed.

Note: This can be done for assets and superannuation


Mapping a Datafeed to a client

In the instance the automatic Datafeed mapping fails, follow the steps below to link it to both the client and the Client Focus asset.

1. Admin > Integration > System Datafeeds

2. Mappings > IPS External Accounts or Client Focus accounts.

3. Use the Search Filters to locate the unmapped client account. Ensuring the selected option is List Unmapped.

4. Click the drop down icon next to the unmapped IPS External Account or Client Focus Account à Select Map or Remap

5. You will be redirected to a new screen à Select the magnifying glass icon next to the ‘Select a client’ field.

6. Enter the clients name or Xplan Entity ID that you wish to map the Datafeed to into the Search field, click Enter on the keyboard, then select the client to which to map the Datafeed, select OK, then Save.

Note: The unmapped Datafeed will now be mapped to the client and can be viewed within the Client’s CWT profile:

  • IPS External Accounts: Client Menu à Portfolio à Admin à External Accounts
  • Client Focus Account: Client Menu à Activities à Account Mappings


Linking Assets to IPS Accounts

1. Go to Financial Details > Balance Sheet

2. Under the Asset Window click Add or Edit a current asset by click on the Pencil Icon

3. Click on the Funds Tab and click on the Link Icon to link a portfolio account

4. After clicking on the link icon a new window would appear to allow you to select a portfolio account; Once selected this will update your current value above and the field will become non editable.

Linking Superannuation to IPS Accounts

1. Go to Financial Details > Super Pension Annuity

2. Add or Edit the Superannuation for your detail and you

3. On the Details Tab, select Link on the Link to Portfolio Account field and select the appropriate account in IPS for your client.

4. You can also click update to refresh the account balance that is feeding from IPS to your Account Balance in Client Focus.