As our suite of services grow, so do our needs to update certain processes to keep pace. To ensure we can keep the invoicing process as seamless as possible, we are pleased to introduce BPAY as a fourth option of payment.

Utilizing the Compass invoice module, it will be possible for you to generate an invoice with client specific BPAY reference details and have them pay directly to us.

BPAY functionality is available to practices who have access to Compass and want to utilise the invoicing module to manage their invoices.



The following process will apply to advisers who have clients that wish to utilise the BPAY payment method:

Compass BPAY Invoice



Complete the steps below to generate a BPAY invoice within Compass.

1. Navigate to a client record and click on Client Administration > Invoices

2. Locate the Invoice Results menu and click on the Add button. The Invoice Details page will display.


3. Within the Invoice Details page click the Add button under the Items menu. The Edit Invoice Item menu will pop up.

NOTE: The Adviser Code that you select is the Adviser Code that the payment will be processed to. For Alliance Wealth advisers that code will be in the format of AWxx and similar for PIS Advisers that will be the sub code that you want the payment to go to (ABC123, ABC123A etc).


4. We have created standard BPAY invoice products which auto lodge to CommPay. To ulitise these products select BPAY within the Category field as below, select the most relevant product for your invoice within the Type and Subtype fields, enter the invoice Amount before GST and click Ok


5. When the invoice item is saved successfully, click on the Lodge Tab and enter the relevant Adviser and Account and click on Save at the top of the screen.


6. Optionally in the Comments tab enter a brief description of the services covered under this invoice.


7. To generate a copy of the invoice, locate the invoice under the Invoice Results menu and click on the 7 icon beside the Action column. Select the relevant BPAY Invoice template and merge.




Compass Queries
If you have any questions regarding Compass, please contact Compass Support on 1300 557 598 (Option 3) or

Revenue Queries
If you have any queries or concerns regarding fees or commissions, please contact the Adviser Revenue Services team on (07) 5668 1486 or