Video Published January 2020



The purpose of this guide is to help users set up and create a client on Compass.

1. Click on the + icon on the top banner and click Add Client

2. This will take you to an Add Client Wizard where you first select the type of client, note: different client type will require different details for example Client will ask for your First and Surname while Business require Business name and ABN

3. Once you selected a Client Type you will need to enter the entity’s Basic Information. Note: For a normal client click on Has Partner Information to toggle Partner Details.

4. The next page take you through the adding of contact details. Note: For Phone Number please select either Home Phone, Work Phone, or For email, please select either Home Email, Work Email or Other Email

Clicking on Update Map will allow you to bring up a Google Map of the address.

6. Once this is completed and you have clicked on Next a client will be created on the database with the information. The following pages will allow you to add client to other Groups, Tasks/Threads and Diary entries; however it is recommended that you click on View/Edit Client Information first to enter into the client profile to complete the client’s information.