Iress has confirmed at present there are two issues with Modelling a Pension account in Xtools+

- For Pension 1 including if its an Existing or Rollover Pension, the Balance will not display correctly for the first year in the Display tables or Charts
- For Pension 1 using Expend drawdown option does not work in the first year of projection

Pension 1 references to the first pension account that is entered into the modelling


Unfortunately Iress has communicated a fix for this issue will be approx 6 weeks away


To work around this issue you will need to follow the below steps: Noting you must follow the below steps in order or the fix will not work

- When in the Input -> Individual -> Pension screen, you will need to press 'Add Pension' and create a shell pension account, noting when entering the first pension for that scenario it will show 'Pension 1' at the top left corner:


After this has been created, then create a Second Pension account, this containing all the details you are wanting to model with:


After saving you will then see two pension accounts present on the base input page. Next step is to delete the shell pension 1 account using the 'x' icon on the far right side:


This will then enable you to continue modelling as normal without the issues being present, as in the order we have created the two pensions then after deleted number 1. This order must be followed or the workaround will not work correctly


Published by Joshua Heath