After preparing your modelling in WealthSolver, if you navigate to the ‘Compare Proposals’ tab and note down the bottom if the ‘Portfolio Past Performance’ is blank, this will be because there is no data flowing through for one of the investments.

To assist in identifying which is the resulting investment option, review which time period is blank and for which proposal: In the below example we can see Proposal 1 is missing the 7 year data and Proposal 2 is missing 2, 3, 5 & 7 year data. You will then be able to navigate back to your proposal on the ‘Details’ tab to see which investment was the source of this: Noting your looking for the investment that has a blank value in the ‘Past Performance’ value:







In the case of all scenarios reporting blank performance, this will most likely be caused by an existing plan being retained containing an investment with blank performance values.

If you identify this is in error, please send through a request to the Advice Tech Support team along with supporting documentation and we will forward on for review/update by Iress’ FundData team.

Noting this may take some time, and you may need to make a duplicate WealthSolver scenario and remove the proposal / account to assist in reporting in the meantime.


Published by Joshua Heath