Please Note: You will need the WealthSolver License to use this feature.

Custom plans can be used when a Product is not available in WealthSolver, and needs a custom set up.


Creating a custom plan

1. From the left menu, click on Mceclip1--> WealthSolver --> Tools --> Create Custom Plan

2. Change the PlanType to match the Product type, then Plan Subtype to match the Product type chosen

Its Recommended to input the entire Fund name into the Plan Manager field, or you break it down further via the Subcategory fields.

The Plan Name will then combine the text entered into the Plan Manager and the Subcategory fields.

Any Product SPIN can be added, leave as generic number for custom plan ie 1234

The Product Suffix can be altered, however can not be left blank. The remaining fields can be completed if required.

3. Click Save 



Please Note: Step 4 will require the IPS Module, however this is an optional step.

It is also highly recommended to have the APIR codes of the investments you want linked to this custom plan for the most efficiency


Editing Custom plan

4. Depending on the plan you add, you may want to assign a set of Investment Options that are directly linked to this plan.


5. Clicking on Add Investments once it loads, gives you 3 items:

Add Option - Allows searching of APIR codes with a minimum of 3 characters needed

Ad Custom - Can create a custom investment option that will only be available under this plan

Add Security - Similar to Add Option, however allows you to use the Exchange as an additional filter when searching


Example of added funds


Once all funds have been added, Click Back

6. The main final changes needed are done through the Edit dropdown:

Edit Research - This updates the main product information that is seen via the Product Overview

Edit Fees - This is where the fees of the product are entered

Edit Product documents - Place to link the PDS, TMD or any Additional Product Information.

Edit Visibility - This should be set last just so the product remains private to the user who has created it until all information has been updated.



The new plan you have created can now be selected and used in your recommendations or replacement comparisons
