XPLAN has a number of standard FUM reports that can be run.

To run a Funds Under Management Report

List your clients by:

  1. Clicking in the search box at the top right hand corner of the page
  2. Ensure 'Clients' is selected
  3. Click Full List


  • Choose Reports > Management Reports from the left hand menu
  • Select report: Funds under Management
  • Choose your preferred Report Grouping and Select Run


To run a Valuation for a Vendor

  • If you want to run a report to find out FUM held with a particular provider, you can run the Valuation for a Vendor report from the Select Report drop down menu.
  • Follow the steps above and choose the Valuation for a Vendor report.
  • This report uses the information provided via data feed for a particular vendor to report on FUM

How do I exclude a holding from FUM?

You can exclude a holding from being reported as FUM from the client's portfolio

  • Select to edit the holding

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  • Set the Under Management field to No

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