1. Check to make sure the plug in is not disabled by:

Step 1: Click on File at the top of the Outlook App


Step 2: Click on Options in the menu and a pop up will appear



Step 3: In the pop up click on Add-ins in the left menu


Step 4: In the pop up, after you have selected Add-ins, you should see an option at the bottom of the page called Manage. Select Disabled Items then click Go.


Step 5: A pop up screen called Disabled Items will appear. If the XPLAN Plug in appears in this list, you will need to enable it again and restart outlook.


Question: Why does the Outlook Plug become disabled?

On occasion the Outlook plugin can be picked up as a slow COM add in at which point it will automatically disable the plugin.

Selecting to load the plugin by voiding the performance check is one workaround to enable the add-in on start up

It's generally not advisable to use more than 10 add ins as your outlook will display significant difficulty with processing small actions.