
Xplan offers an Outlook plugin that allows you to quickly and easily save a copy of email correspondence as a File Note that is linked to a client or user entity.

Once the Outlook plugin is installed, you select an email and then activate the plugin. A pop-up displays where you set the details for the Note to be created, including visibility settings and Note Type and Subtype. The Note Subject is pre-filled with the email Subject, while the content of the email is saved as the body of the email.

When the Note is saved, a unique reference for the source email is stored. This allows Xplan to track subsequent correspondence in the email thread. If the plugin is run on a later email in the thread, such as a reply from a client, Xplan will add the content of this email to the existing Note. This allows a single Note to hold the entire contents of an email conversation between multiple parties.

IRESS has recently released a new version of the Outlook Plugin that can be used through the Outlook App, or through the Outlook web browser version. Please note Version 3 of the plugin will only work with Old Outlook and not the New Outlook.


1. How to Install Outlook Plugin V3

Step 1:

Open a new window tab, copy and paste the URL: https://xfilerplugin.aws-wealth-production-au.iress.online/manifests/au/manifest.xml

This URL will lead you to the below XML file, right click your mouse and click "Save as" to save it to somewhere you know on your computer.


Step 2:

Open outlook =>File => Manage Add-ins. Outlook website version will then pop up.

  • Within the Outlook app, go to File → Options: Manage Add-ins
  • For Outlook 2019+ or Office 365 go to your Account page and select Manage Add-ins
  • By selecting this option, you will be redirected to the Outlook Web App page.

On this page;


  • Switch from All to My add-ins
  • Select Add a custom add-in near the bottom of the page
  • Select Add from URL.



Step 3:

Select My add-ins => Add a custom add in => Add from file


Step 4: Add the file you saved from step1.

Then click install. 


 You will be notified when the add-in has been installed, and that the new plugin is now linked to your email account.



2. How to use the Outlook Plugin

Step 1:

Open your Outlook desktop version, then double click the email that you wish to file to Xplan, then Click the "All Apps" icon on the top bar: then Click 'File to Xplan (V3)'

outlook plugin


Step 2: Log into the Outlook Plugin

When you log into the plugin for the first time you are required to add the following details: Your Xplan URL (the plugin will retain this information)


  • URL:https://cwt.xplan.iress.com.au or 


  • Your Xplan username and password 
  • Onetime pin: The security code from 2FA


Step 3: File to Xplan

Update the following fields:

  • Filing Option -> Note
  • Entity Type -> Client
  • Entity Status -> Update accordingly to allow searching for client
  • Entity Search -> Enter clients name in this box, it will automatically start searching for your client and names will appear in a drop down box, click on the intended clients name to select

Outlook Plugin v3 image 6.png


  • You have the option to drag and drop the email from outlook into the 'Drop your files here', this will then populate the: Subject, Date & Body/Description fields

Outlook Plugin v3 image 7.png


You will also need to complete the Note Type & Note Permissions fields down the bottom to allow you to 'File' through to xplan:

Outlook Plugin v3 image 8.png




3. Outlook Plugin Preference Setting

To configure your default options when saving emails as file notes.

Click on your User's name -> 'My Preferences'


Email plugins -> Settings

From this page, you will be able to set the default entity status when searching for clients through the plugin, default not Type and SubType, permissions and tasks defaults