FAQ: EziDebit Payment Setup and Management


Q: When should I use each type of EziDebit invoice?

A: EziDebit offers three types of invoices to help you prefill your clients' payment options, each suited for different payment needs:

EziDebit Invoice for Once-Off Payments - Single, upfront payments to pay the invoice in full.

EziDebit Invoice for Ongoing Flexible Payments - Recurring payments where users can select the frequency, duration, and time, with the option to have no end date.

EziDebit Invoice for Ongoing Payments for 12 Months - Splitting the full invoice into 12 monthly instalments.

EziDebit Invoice for Ongoing Payments - Specifically used for ongoing payments in perpetuity with no end date

By choosing the right invoice type, you can streamline your payment process and improve client experience.

Q: What happens to clients with existing direct debit arrangement already in place?

A: Existing client arrangements will continue for the interim and will be transitioned from 1 September 2024. We will provide detailed information on the transition process for existing arrangements as we approach this date.

Q: What fees are incurred by the client for using Ezidebit?

A: Below are the fees associated with Ezidebit which are stated on the invoice and the Direct Debit Request link.

Q: My client does not have an email address, how can I set up a DDR?

An email address is required to generate an EziDebit payment link on the invoice. Centrepoint cannot accept paper EziDebit forms for cybersecurity and PCI DSS compliance reasons.

If a client does not use email or just isn’t comfortable to set up the DDR by themselves, you can assist them. (See FAQ: What can I do if a client can’t set up the payment arrangement themselves?)

If the client does not have an email address, there are a couple of options:

  1. Ask if the client can use the email address of a trusted family member. A copy of the redacted DDR form will be sent via email to this address. You will need to remove the temporary email address from Compass/CWT after creating the invoice.
  2. Consider alternative payment options such as BPAY or Cheque.

If other options are unsuitable, you should contact Professional Standards to seek an exception. If approved, Centrepoint will contact the client to set up the DDR.

Q: Can I send a generic invoice and DDR form if a client can't set up the payment arrangement themselves?

A: Yes, a generic invoice from Compass/CWT (without the EziDebit link) can be sent instead. Practice staff or advisers can then generate an EziDebit invoice from Compass/CWT and set up the payment arrangement.



Q: What can I do if a client can’t set up the payment arrangement themselves?

A: You can assist the client to set up their payment details. Once you create the invoice from Compass/CWT with the EziDebit link, click on the link and enter the client’s payment method and account information to set up a DDR.

You can complete this step with the client in person or via phone/video conferencing. You must ensure the client checks the information entered and reads the Service Agreement before accepting the Terms & Conditions.

Once you have the client’s consent, click submit and the client will receive an email with the completed and redacted form confirming the DDR has been completed. You should keep file note including how you obtained the client’s consent.

Clients should not be given a blank EziDebit form to complete and return. The online EziDebit process is secure, protects client’s personal and financial information, and is PCI DSS* compliant.

*Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) governs the safe storage of credit card information.


  • Ensure the DDR arrangement matches the Compass/CWT invoice. For clients on ongoing service agreements, consider a 15-month invoice to accommodate potential delays in consent renewal.
  • Upon receiving client consent, promptly create a new invoice and establish a corresponding DDR arrangement.
  • If an existing DDR arrangement needs cancellation, inform the CPAL Remuneration team via email for prompt action.
  • When creating EziDebit invoices, avoid special characters in client names, as the payment link does not accept them. This minimizes potential payment processing issues. (e.g. !@#$%^<>)


Q: What is the "Paid by Instalment - EziDebit" option for? [COMPASS ONLY]

A: This option is for an upfront or once-off fee that is paid by instalment.

Q: Can I change and select the Revenue Type for the invoice/fee?

A: Yes, by unticking "From CommPay Product," you can change the revenue type for the fee.

Q: How does the On-Going Fees revenue type affect the FDS?

A: The On-Going Fees revenue type feeds into the FDS (Fee Disclosure Statement).

Tip: For smoother invoice handling, please ask your clients to always download invoices and open them from your Downloads folder rather than your browser. Clicking on the payment link within the browser may close the invoice tab, leading to potential data loss. By opening invoices directly from your Downloads folder, you can seamlessly toggle between tabs without losing any entered data.

Q: Why am I receiving the below error on my invoice?

A: The client must have a preferred address entered under Key Details > Contact Details. Simply add details and produce the invoice again.

EziDebit Payment Setup

Q: What should I do if there are missing client personal details in Compass/CWT when setting up EziDebit payments?

A: If there are missing details, you'll receive an error message when clicking the payment link on the invoice. Correct the details in Compass/CWT, then redownload the invoice and click the link on the new invoice.

Q: Can I prefill the payment amounts for the client to be debited via EziDebit?

A: If you wish the amounts to be prefilled, use invoice template Ezidebit Invoice for Ongoing payments for 12 months or Ezidebit Invoice for Ongoing payments for 15 months. Total Amount (the full invoiced amount) will be divided by the relevant number of months and entered as the Debit Amount (monthly payment amount).

Q: Is there a maximum amount that can be debited via EziDebit?

A: Yes, the maximum amount is $25,000 in one transaction. For amounts exceeding this, set up an ongoing arrangement with a suitable frequency.


  • Payments created after 3pm will need to be set from the following business day.
  • Payment dates can only be setup on business days (weekdays).


Q: What happens if a payment is dishonoured?

A: The Remuneration team will send dishonour notifications to the applicable adviser, including the reason for dishonour. Reply to the notification email with instructions on the action to be taken. The team will only action instructions received via email replies. A dishonour fee of $1.65 (including GST) per transaction will be charged to the practice.


Q: Can existing DDRs be amended?

A: Changes to existing DDRs can be sent to the Remuneration Team for action. However, the only items that can be amended are the payment frequency and the DDR dates. The total amount of the payment arrangement cannot be amended as it matches the invoice created in Compass/CWT. If the amount needs to be changed, a new invoice must be generated, and a new payment arrangement created via the EziDebit link on the invoice.