When creating an email template the format in the template can sometimes look different to the formatting that is received in various email programs (Outlook, Gmail etc).

Emails sent via the web use HTML to set the format of templates. If you copy and paste text from another source such as a word document, underlying formatting from Microsoft or other places is hidden in the back ground and can cause formatting issues once sent.

To reduce this occurring there are a couple of options you can employ:

1. Do not copy and paste text directly into your email template. Type the email content directly into XPLAN and use the email editor formatting tool bar in XPLAN to format your template.



2. If you are going to copy and paste, using the Paste as Plain Text option Mceclip1 on the email editor toolbar, this will remove any underlying in congruent formatting. You can then use the email editor formatting tool bar as per option 1.

Pate As Plain Text


3. There is a Paste from Word option Mceclip2 within the tool bar that can paste the formatting from Microsoft Word. This will only work for simple formatting and will not be as compatible with the formatting the  newer versions of Word.



4. When testing the email and finding that the text is not formatted consistently, within the template, highlight the relevant text and use the Remove Format  Mceclip4 option, then re apply the desired format.
