Iress set up sync article Xplan Diary Sync with Office 365 - Setup Guide - Iress Community

there are 3 parts to setting up Office 365 Diary Sync specifically to Xplan:


1. The set-up process will ask your outlook 365 domain administrator to approve the Diary sync set up, please ensure either you have admin login access to your domain, or you might need to consult with your IT manager during the diary sync set up.



2. Set up the Host configuration in Xplan system setting diary sync

Please Note: You will need to contact Xplan support for this step as they will need to grant you temporary system settings permissions.

Navigate to:

Admin>Site>System Settings


Client Focus>Diary>Diary Sync

Select the Microsoft 365 tab

Click Add, to add your domain name in the descriptive name

The from date is the date which the diary sync will sync back to, however it is not recommended to set this too far back.

Select ‘Grant’ in the Admin Consent button, this will take you to your outlook 365 login page for you to approve the set up (you will need to have the roles and consent as described in step 1.)




3. Set up the User configuration for each user.

Each user will need to navigate to Admin>Integration>Diary


Diary Sync>Login


Select your domain from the Sync Service dropdown (This will only show up in the dropdown and be active once step 2 has been completed)

You will need to have your Microsoft 365 username and password handy for this step