Step 1

Click on the Search clients (/) box, Advanced --> New

Step 2

Remove the Quick Search line item if it appears, then click on Add to create a new search criteria.


The Add Search Criteria pop up box will appear. There are a number of different searching criteria available within the different tabs:

Field or Group Tab

The options available are:
- Field Group - This will determine the Field Group that you are looking for.
- Field - This will determine the actual field the search is looking for.
- Operation - determines the operation you are looking for within the previous field e.g. greater
- Value - This determines the value associated to the operation.

Please note: Each Field option you select will determine the option that will appear in the following selections, for example what you select in the Field Group may limit or expand what
appears in the Field or Operation options. All the fields are related to data that will have been
entered for the client or entity.

Insurance Tab


The options available are:

- Please select on what you would like to search - the options available are:

Search across ALL policies that the client is a life insured on.

Search on the same policy where the client is the owner.

Search policies with one underwriter but a separate policy with a different underwriter.

Search for total cover value across ALL policies on their life or Search for total annual premium
across ALL policies that are in force.
- Life, TPD, Trauma and Income Protection Cover - You can also select if you wish to search based on
the different insurance cover types. The options available are Not Interested, Has it or Does not
have it


Filter List Tab


This tab is where you can set up the AND, OR and NOT functions.

By default results must meet all criteria, however by using the Boolean functions of AND, OR
and NOT searches can be generated where results can meet one of multiple different
- AND - all criteria within the AND function must be met.
- OR - results will meet any one or more criteria in the function.
- NOT - inverts the other two functions (returns the opposite results). NOT AND returns clients
that don't meet all the criteria in the AND function, and NOT OR returns clients that don't meet
any of the criteria.

Portfolio Tab

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This tab is where you can set up a search criteria based off the Portfolio (IPS) section. The first option you need to select is the Search Type, which will determine the other search items on the page and will change depending on your selection. The Portfolio search can be run against Client, Partner, Joint, Shared and Related.

Campaign Tab

This tab is where you can set up a search criteria based off a Campaign.


Invoice Tab

This tab is where you can set up a search criteria based off the Invoicing section.


Payment Tab

This tab is where you can set up a search criteria based off Payments.

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Syntax Tab

Syntax searching allows you to manually build a search criterion using XPLAN syntax.

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You could for example search for a client using the following syntax:
- $'group.field', op, value)
• group is entity_contact (Contact group) or entity_address (Address group)
• field is the field name in the group.


Step 3

When you have decided the criteria you want to set, simply click Add or Add More to loop back the search options whilst adding the current one, please wait until the screen refreshes when/if selecting Add More

Please Note: If you are using the Filter List function, the Add More button will not work correctly as it will put the line item outside of Filter List function, which will be shown in the second example below.

Example 1

In this example we will add a search criteria to find all clients aged between 55 and 65 inclusive:


We can now either click Search to generate the results or we can select Save to save this search criteria so we can use it again.


Please note: If the permission is set to Private, only the user who has created this search criteria will have access to it.


Example 2

You can use the Filter List to make the search criteria more specific, this example will be using the OR function.


In order to Add fields so the Filter List function is utilised, in this case OR, you need to click on mceclip17.png after adding the Filter List, then add in the required field.


1. You will notice the options in this line are limited, this is due to the Filter List restrictions.

2. When all the field information has been entered, Click on Add. Do not click on Add more otherwise the next input field will fall outside of the OR function, which is explained further below.


After the second field has been added, the correct view should be like below.



If a field was to be added, and it was from either the Add button below or Add More was clicked when in the Mceclip17 menu, that line item will sit outside of the Filter List as seen below.

The space shown by the Yellow highlight are the fields that sit inside the OR function

The space shown in the Green highlight sits outside the OR function


This search result will be looking for the following criteria that has to be met on a client to produce results:

(Clients aged either 54 OR 64) AND Clients who have a Preferred email Address. This means one of the OR conditions as well as a client having an email address must be met for them to appear.

Step 5

At any time after you have Saved your search criteria, you are able to select it from the Advanced Search list to generate results automatically.


You can also amend your search Criteria in the future, via the Load page on the client Search Result page.



Example 3(Also relates to Article How can I automate a recurring report?)

If you would like to create an Advanced search on based on date fields, such as Opt-in/Consent, it is recommended to create the search criteria based on the month, rather than a date range. As seen below, the criteria is set to search for clients who's Opt-in/Consent is due in the month of January.

Once this has been saved, repeat the process for each of the remaining months.


Using a specific date range such as below, will have the following consequences:

The search results will be based on the day the search is run EG If you run this search on the 15th of the month, it will produce clients with Opt-In/Consent Dates from the 15th of the current month - 31 days after, therefore both missing the first 15 days of the current month and overlapping into the next.


If you ran it on the 1st of each month, that will cover the days in all months, however those months with less than 31 days will produce an overlap of clients for the following month. Although this wont miss any clients, the output is still inaccurate.