The Portfolios module of XPLAN is used at different stages during the advice process.

  • First Appointment - Entering clients existing financial investments into Position.
  • Advice Preparation - Model the clients proposed financial investment portfolio in Modelling or Recommend.
  • Advice Implementation & Ongoing Service - Either by confirmation or a Datafeed or by entering the client's investment once it has been implemented into Position.
  • Client Review - View client's investments in Position or generate reports for the client's current position in Reports.

The XPLAN's Portfolios module contains five components:

  1. Portfolio - used to administer a clients investment portfolio.
  2. Model - used to model a clients proposed investment portfolio, either manually or by applying a model Target Set.
  3. Reports - used to generate clients portfolio reports. A variety of reports are available and custom reports can also be built.
  4. Admin - contains option for administering portfolios.
  5. Corporate Actions - used to administer corporate actions for portfolio by updating holdings when an event occurs such as income distributions are paid, buy back offers etc.

Portfolio's is used to manage client investments, providing an audit trail for investment transactions. Portfolios can contain a variety of investment security types that can be added, modified and/or removed. Accurate data entry of client investment information will result in effective financial modelling and reporting. Investment transactions can be entered and updated manually or by datafeeds. (Datafeeds import portfolio transactions from a third party vendor and matches it against clients, updating their portfolio holdings automatically. Datafeeds are generally unitised products.)

Accounts are created in the client portfolio to manage all underlying investments within a platform/administration service.  Portfolio reporting and modelling can then be applied to separate accounts without the need to incorporate the entire investment portfolio. Accounts needs to be created before entering the underlying investments and can be named to reflect the platform name.  E.g. Wrap is an account, Wholesale Horizon 5 Growth Portfolio and the Cash Account are the underlying investments held within the account.

Accounts can also be created to group similar assets together. E.g. an account called Direct Share Portfolio can be created to hold all the clients shares under the one account.

Portfolios have a Default account where all investments are listed unless you create a new account. Using accounts will ensure your portfolio reporting can be filtered to group investments via the platform (account).

During the "Implement Advice" process, accounts may automatically be created from datafeeds if XPLAN receives electronic information from the third party vendor.  

Aggregation allows the user to group together the client's investments by accounts or GICS/Sectors for viewing or reporting.


Overview of the Portfolio Position Screen



The following outlines the main components of the client's Portfolio > Position screen:

Entity (Test, Client) - you can select the entity for which you wish to access their portfolio by clicking on the drop down arrow beside the client name. Any entity that is part of the client's group will be listed to select from. If the client has a partner you have the ability to select from either the individual entity, the joint entity (Client and Partner) or by View All. When you select view all, tick box options will appear in the Filter Options for Holdings Overview panel to select which entities you wish to include.

Add - click on this button to access the following functions:

  • Quick Entry - click on this option to add multiple purchases with the minimum details. i.e investment code, exchange, units and market value.
  • Purchase - click on this option to add a purchase to the portfolio. Details of the purchase can be added via this method i.e settlement date, transaction status, if a cash account is to be debited by this transaction etc.
  • Sale - click on this option to sell an investment holding.
  • Account - click on this option to create a new account.

Date Range - enter a date into this field and the Holdings Overview panel will display the portfolio valuation at the selected date.

Grouping - allows you to select how you would like the data in the investment recommendations to be grouped. In this example the data is grouped by Portfolio, then account.

Aggregation - allows you to select if you wish to aggregate accounts, aggregate GICS or no aggregate.

Portfolio Account - if an account has been created for the portfolio, you can select to view by the individual account or by all accounts. Please note this option will only appear if an account has been created. Click on the "edit" button to edit the account details if required.

Security - allows you to select if you would like to display only current securities i.e. non-zero holding, or show all securities (includes all current and zero holdings).

Mandate - enables you to filter the portfolio linked to a Compliance Mandates.  

Cost - enables costs to viewed either as Gross or Net amounts.

Exchange - enables you to filter the securities displayed in the holdings overview panel by a specific exchange.

20 Minute Delayed Pricing - click on the tick box to display live pricing data.

Settled - click on the tick box to select to view only transactions that have been settled.

FUM Only - click on the tick box to select if only funds under management are displayed in the holdings overview panel.

Holdings Overview - this panel outlines the details of the investment holdings within the portfolio. The details displayed include the sector, product name, units held, the native current, the total cost of the holding, cost base, the unit price, the native price, the date the price was last updated, the market value of the investment, the native market value, the profit and the portfolio weight.

Analysis - this panel contains several tabs allowing you analysis the client portfolio. The analysis options available in this panel include; Summary (total cost, market value, cash balance etc.) Asset Allocation, Security Type Allocations, GICS Sector Allocations, Simulated Returns and Volatility.