When Iress automatic datafeed mapping feature cannot confirm the identity of one of the members of a joint account, it will create it as a shared portfolio. Shared Portfolios cannot be ‘remapped’. In order to rectify, you will need to delete the External Account, and then re-add it manually against the the Joint entity.

Note: This can also be the case with Joint accounts.

Go to Portfolio (IPS) > Admin > External Accounts

Click on the entity name at the top of the page and select the Shared Portfolio.

Copy all information for the account portfolio, and paste into notepad or a word doc.

Portfolio Account Name Last Updated Vendor IPS External Account ID
00109********** (Col First) - ***** ***** **** 12 Apr 2023 12:47:52 PM Colonial First State 00109*********

Then click on the dropdown box and click Delete

Then click on the entity name at the top of the page and select the Joint entity (or whoever you want to map the account to).

Then click the Add External Account button in the top right hand corner

Select the vendor that was listed in the vendor column of the previously datafeed, as well as the IPS External Account ID and click OK.

Click Okay on the message prompt.

The account should now appear as a line item under the Joint entity, Click on the dropdown box again and now click 'Refresh'.

When the appears, click on it and check the notification.

Navigate to Portfolio > Position, the account and underlying holding should now appear under the correct entity. The new Portfolio Account name may be different to before, missing additional information about the owners/product.

To update, select the newly added account from the Portfolio Account filter and click the Pencil icon the right of it.

When the Edit Account Details window appears, update the Portfolio account name to the one we copied to notepad/word prior to initially deleting.


Published by Garrett White