1.Why are the Desktop Broker/AUSSIEX datafeeds showing out of balance?

As Desktop Broker is a Contract Notes only datafeed, it will only bring through purchase and sale transactions that occurred through the Desktop Broker platform.The datafeeds do not have any dividend-related transactions and transactions that happened prior to when the assets were transferred to their platform. Hence, users need to rebuild these missing data manually based on client's statements.


2.How to rebuild the data

Users need to rebuild transactions for each security that is out of balance.

Step1: Purchase & Sale Transactions

  • ​​​​​​First step is to review the purchase and sale transactions for the securities in the account statement and verify if they have all flowed through on the datafeed.
  • If they occurred while the account was on the Desktop Broker platform, they should have flowed through with the number of units and dollar cost value. If you notice the transaction in Xplan doesn't have a cost value, you will need to delete this transaction that missing cost base, and manually create one with the correct cost value and units.
  • If the transactions did not occur on the Desktop Broker platform, you may find the datafeed has created an ‘Initial Balance’ trade. In this case you will need to manually enter all the respective missing transactions and delete the ‘Initial Balance’ trade.

Step2: Corporate Actions

 Step3: Date Lock



3.What happens if I refresh the Desktop Broker/AUSSIEX datafeeds


We noticed some users refresh Desktop Broker/AUSSIEX datafeeds datafeeds, they select "Yes" for delete existing data. If the account has no date lock on, this will result in all historical transactions including corporate actions, manual transactions and datafeed supplied transactions being deleted. 

Please perform it with both the checkboxes marked as ‘No’. Using the date lock override can be quite dangerous in that it might trigger an influx of datafeed transactions to flow through, that might have previously been deleted. Also doing a ‘Delete Existing Data’ refresh is very cautiously used (hardly ever) as that can also cause widespread issue that need manual adjustment or full account rebuild.




4.How to correctly refresh Desktop Broker/AUSSIEX datafeeds

Security level refresh

As we discussed, a refresh brings all datafeeds transactions back to the client's IPS. Those datafeeds transactions you previously deleted due to no cost base will be recreated if you do a refresh. If the refresh is necessary, try to do it on security level for the security that has issues, instead of doing it on the account level.

=> Admin=>Integration=>System datafeeds=>Reporting=>Reconciliation Summary=>Change Quantity Reconciled to 'ALL'=>Click the downarrow for the security that is out of balance=>refresh

This will refresh the data only based on the security you selected and will not affect other securities that are balanced.

If you wish to check what transactions does the refresh generate,

You can go => Portfolio=> admin=> Audit trail to view all the transactions have been created by the refresh to assist for your troubleshooting.