Colonial First State require advisers to register for a username and password to allow for datafeed export to third party software like Xplan or Adviser Logic. These credentials need to be renewed on an annual basis.

Note: In order to add adviser mappings, you will need to be logged in on a user that has Portfolio IPS and is preferably the Advisers login (so that the Vendor adviser is also the client adviser), if the adviser does not have Portfolio IPS, you can request this be done by Xplan support or request the capability 'Administer External Adviser ID's' for a user that does have Portfolio IPS.

Generating Login Details on CFS

Login to your Colonial First State Adviser Portal.

Go to Reporting > Data feeds 


Select Xplan as the EPI Data Share Platform, tick the consent box and click register.

When new credentials have been generated the expiry date will update to 1 year from the date generated.


Updating on Xplan

To use the initial balance feature, Navigate to the button > Integration > System Datafeeds

From System Datafeeds page, click Mappings > Advisers

The 'User' that the Adviser Mapping is added against will be the 'Vendor Adviser, it is best practice that the user selected is the 'Client Adviser' in Xplan.

When the correct user is selected;

If the adviser does not currently have a CFS Adviser Mapping, click Add Mapping.

If the adviser already has a CFS Adviser Mapping but it has expired, click on the edit pencil on the CFS mapping.

Here we can see that we require the following details to establish CFS adviser mapping'

Adviser Name as Registered with CFS

Adviser Code (Exactly 4 digits, including leading zeroes)

Dealer Code (Exactly 4 digits, including leading zeroes)

Username ('CFSEPI' followed by 8 digits)

Password (16 characters obtained from CFS)

Note: You will receive the username and password after registering for EPI on adviser portal. 


The CFS datafeed will appear as a line item under the user it was added against, the new/updated adviser mapping can take 24-48 hours to register with IressNet


Published by Garrett White