An XPLAN client entity can be associated with other XPLAN clients in two ways, Client Relationships and Client Groups.

Client Relationships

Client Relationships allow you to specify how client entities are associated. When accessing a client you can view their Relationship Tree, which shows the entities they have direct relationships with. You can expand a related entity branch to view the sub-relationships within the Relationship Tree.

The Relationship Tree is built each time the page is displayed, and will show all sub-entity relationships that associate the client entities.

Relationship links have no effect on any analysis or reporting within XPLAN. For group-based analysis, you can select client entities in the Relationship Tree to be part of a client's Client Group. When using Client Online Access, the related clients visible are determined by the client's Relationship Tree.

Client Groups

Each client has a single Client Group which defines which related XPLAN client entities are included for group-based analysis and reporting.

Each Client Group is separate, and group membership is one-directional. For example, if Frank Black is added to John Smith's Client Group, John Smith is not automatically added to Frank Black's Client Group. Each Client Group member must be manually added.

Partners are always treated as members of a client's Client Group, and cannot be excluded. In a client's Relationship Tree, the client entities with ticked checkboxes are members of the Client Group.

Client Group master - member actions

Some areas of XPLAN allow for actions to be performed against members of a Client Group based on the 'master' client (the client the Client Group is created against).

  • Contact Details synchronise contacts between the master entity and group members

  • Loan Search for emailing all group members of a master entity who owns a loan

  • Risk Profiles can be set for a Client Group, allowing you to manage portfolio investments at an overall group level

  • Xport reports allow for report layout organisation based on grouping.


How to add a Client Relationship

1. Within the Client Menu, click Client Administration --> Groups--> Client Group

2. Click Edit

3. Click on the Mceclip2 next to the appropriate entity to add a relationship


4. Choose the Relationship type from the drop down list

5. Now the Entity will need t be selected


6. Search for the entity by typing in the name and either pressing enter on your keyboard or click Mceclip5

7. From the results, double click the relevant entity, or can single click on the name then click OK

8. Click OK once the Entity has been selected




9. Your new relationship will now be displayed in the Client Group Members panel and the Relationship type for the entity is shown in italics.

Click Save



How to add a related client to a Client Group

NOTE: Only add related clients to the Client Group for reporting and analysis purposes. Clients in the group such as child or grandparent for example would not generally be included in reports.


Once/If the Client Relationship has been added

1. Click Edit



2. To add a related client to the Client Group tick the box beside the related entity.

3. Click Save.
