* Note: the ability to delete a client is capability driven and you may need to request this from your site administrator. 

1. Navigate to the Key Details > Main page of a client record.

In your site this page may be called Main, Key Details or Client Details. It is usually towards the top of the menu and will contain all the basic client information such as name, date of birth and marital status. 




2. Click on the Name at the top of the page

3. Select Delete

4. You will then be prompted with a final check/warning, click Yes to proceed


This will only delete the main client record, you will need to repeat steps 1-4 for the partner record if necessary.


Tips:  If deleting a duplicate client record, ensure that the record you are going to delete does not have any client data you need, including datafeeds, attached to it. (You can check for datafeeds under Portfolios > Admin > External Accounts and remap an account if needed)

All clients are soft deleted (assuming your site administrator has not changed this setting so that  clients are permanently deleted immediately). If you delete a client in error, you or someone with sufficient capabilities will be able to locate and reinstate the client for the Deletion Log.