Remember to ensure you fact check/review the information and don’t enter sensitive or private information into AI tools. We recommend asking for the responses to be written in English (UK) spelling.

General prompts

  1. You are an AI designed to help [insert profession e.g., Financial Adviser in Australia]. Generate a list of the 10 best prompts for yourself. The prompts should be about [insert topic].
  2. Rewrite the following text and make it easy for a beginner to understand [Insert text]
  3. I want to learn about [insert topic]. Identify and share the most important 20% of learnings from this topic that will help me understand 80% of it.
  4. [insert problem] Give me a step-by-step solution to the problem above with clear instructions on how to execute each step.
  5. I am an absolute beginner at [insert topic] write a 3-month training program for me to become an expert
  6. I want you to act as a Financial Adviser who runs a small business in Australia. I would like you to write me a business plan to grow my business including the steps to take by 10% every year including practice actions I can implement.
  7. I want you to act as a Financial Adviser who runs a small business in Australia. I would like you to write me a business plan to grow my business including the steps to take by 10% every year including practice actions I can implement.

File notes and summarising

  1. Summarise the following file notes in dot points [insert text]
  2. Summarise the text below for a busy small business owner [insert text]
  3. Summarise the meeting transcript below into bullet points with a summary of actions at the end [meeting transcription]

Letters and emails

  1. Write a short draft reply to this email in a professional tone [insert text]
  2. [style and tone: professional and friendly] Write a narrative-style email to client following up on our meeting; [paste agenda and meeting notes]


  1. Write a 400-word blog post about the benefits of superannuation; [Voice and style guide: Makes use of persuasive tone, making use of rhetorical questions, and storytelling to engage readers. Use metaphors, analogies and other literary devices to make points more relatable and memorable. Write in a way that is both informative and entertaining.]
  2. I want you to act as an advertiser. You will create a campaign to promote a product or service of your choice. You will choose a target audience, develop key messages and slogans, select the media channels for promotion, and decide on any additional activities needed to reach your goals. My first suggestion request is I need help creating an advertising campaign targeting retired clients who may require aged care in Australia.
  3. Brainstorm and give me a list of 20 new ideas for [insert desired output e.g., social media posts about your product].


  1. Write me a scope of advice email to my client JANE quoting the cost of researching, preparing, presenting and implementing a financial plan at $5,500 including GST. Include a list of JANE's goals being to retire on an income of $80,000 pa using retirement funds, rental income and directors’ fees. To invest tax effectively. To save estate tax on proceeds of retirement benefits. To invest in line with attitude to risk and in 85% Growth.

Excel and data

  1. Write an Excel formula that shows the second largest number of columns A-E.
  2. Write an Excel formula that converts the name in cell A (LAST, FIRST) to FIRST LAST; do not include any explanation or introduction.
  3. Write an Excel macro that prints each of the spreadsheet tabs (except DataSheet) into PDF files.
  4. Build a table from the information below with the following headings: fund name, ex-date, record-date, pay-date, short-term distribution, long-term distribution [insert text]


Prompt engineering resources

There are numerous websites that provide prompt guidance and training.