Adviser Forms/Tools – Digital Fact Find

Adviser Forms has an API integration with XPLAN that allows digital fact finds to be sent to clients. Adviser forms offers:

  • Two-way data sync from XPLAN and pushed back to XPLAN
  • Ability to send the client an email/SMS token to complete a fact find digitally
  • Online tracking of form completion through dashboard
  • Choice of Fact Finds – Pre Appointment, Review and Full

We recommend that the client completes the form in Umlaut and you sync the data into XPLAN to complete the remainder of the Fact Find e.g. risk profile, needs analysis and other questions.


For your own branded site Umlaut Adviser Tools start from $200 per month for 5 users

Please note there is a one off $500 set up cost per practice.

Click here for more information.

Webinar Recording

Centrepoint Alliance has run a webinar with Adviser Tools. Below is the Recorded Webinar